i have no idea
Is that something like the tide pod challenge?
Linda Joy
Not even close. But you know that.
Roll tide, roll....into a river.
Oooooo. Not THIS weekend! Sorry. Geaux Tigers. To be equitable, both being SEC fans, if we're out and you're in come January, then it's roll Tide...or any other SEC team.
Linda Joy
We'll see! I really only pull for a few college teams, and I don't have tv right now so I don't watch many games. I moved south when I was a teen, didn't really know much about football till I married at 18 and he was a Dolphins fan so I became one. Here you have to choose between Alabama and Auburn. I made the argument everyone makes when they come here - I don't have to choose, but its true, if you stay here very long you have to choose. All anyone was talking about yesterday was the game and coming rain! hahaha I just hope everyone enjoys the game and the company they are with!
Sure, but you can have a huge WAR EAGLE!!! 11-22-19
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