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  • no most of us like the normal stuff
  • I dont watch any kind of pornography. Its sick, immoral, and wrong to watch.
  • I do enjoy (mostly lezdom)and I think most of guys do/-
  • guys like watching sex i dont know about Violent sex. I think that is pretty disturbing and if I knew a guy who got off on watching women be rapped then I would steer clear of him....RAPIST!
  • No, not all guys are the same, and to think otherwise is just as bad as guys dehumanising women.
  • This is a bit of a crude answer, but I'll do my best to keep it professional. I guess you'd have to define violent sex that's degrading and dehumanizing. Is hitting a paid actress in the face with a stream of human ejaculate considered degrading? I personally crack up laughing because I think it's hilarious. What about slapping on the butt, is that violent and degrading? Gently pulling hair? Because I personally don't think it's violent or degrading. Or are you talking those films where the most goofy-ass guy drives around in a van and picks up "strangers" off the side of the road and gets them to have sex on camera? Because I honestly didn't think anyone believed that was real (it's not, btw). Punching a woman in the face and pulling her hair so hard that it comes out in clumps? Yea, that would be utterly disgusting and I don't think anyone I know would watch that, not to mention enjoy it. And if they do, they certainly don't admit it. I'm not a porn connoisseur, so to speak, but I know there is some freaky stuff out there. I'd say about 80% of the guys out there watch - what I could deem - normal stuff, and 20% watch some freaky stuff. Of those 20%, I'd say maybe 10% (so, 2% of the total population) enjoys watching reaaallyy freaky stuff. And I think my estimates are WAY too high, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the real break-downs were more like 95%/5%, and .5% (so .25% of the population watches the really freaky stuff).
  • Im a straight woman and I LOVE IT! In my book there is nothing better than seeing some cute little asian chick get beaten and ass f*c*ed by an enormous dick. Than he can pull it out and piss all over her face. ;P
  • I love sex and enjoy watching porn as much, if not more, than most men but there is a definite and distinct difference in porn and abuse even if a woman allows herself to be in the situation. I cant say why I feel so strongly, but nothing disgusts me more than some cowardly man/men feeling superior or finding humor in degrading a woman. So to answer your question... no, ALL men DO NOT enjoy violent or degrading porn. Do you always assume all men are the same and interact with them accordingly?
  • hey! There are women who like to watch violent sex that is degrading to men. I love sex and men but I'm not into violence. I like love and affection!
  • Not at all. It turns me off to see that.
  • i don't like violent sex movies, where the woman is raped or hurt, thats not right. i do like some rough sex where the man takes the woman and she finally gives in and submits.
  • as an adult male, violent sex is not about is about violence, as rape is.....and, i agree that pornography dehumanizes women.......take care......

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