I think they feel both physical and emotional pain, Peyton. =(
Since no one will ever have the chance to talk to an unborn baby about this, it's very easy to say that they don't.
Well, they have a spinal cord and nerve endings, so one can logically assume that the answer is yes.
Of course they do. They are alive just as you and I are, they have cells and nerves and many of the things we have. They simply are still developing. To say they are unable to feel pain is complete BS.
very little.
According to what we are learning they do. They messure this with a stress test on the fetus. What they do is expose the fetus to unpleasant sound or light while using a fetal heart monator for heart rate and ultra sound for reaction. A fetus will react to being bothered which is a sign of beging able to feel pain or discomfort. Their heart rate will rise and they will try to get away from or fight off the stimulus just like a full formed infant will do. Something which my ultra sound tech said she had seen even in first trimester fetuses. Also when they do inutero surgeries they will give the fetus anestetics to lessen stress and keep it calm during the procedure. These procedures are done as early as 19 weeks to repair heart defects and spina bifita. Here's something else when an infant is severly premature you can not touch them because their nerve endings are over exposed so each touch is like fire. We have saved children as young as 21 weeks gesestation with no ill effects. Yet you can abort up to 26 weeks. That's after the brain, spinal column, and nevers are formed and functioning which happens around the 9th week. There is also a video taken during an abortion that shows the fetus reacting in pain at being dosed in saline solution and then torn apart. It's called "A Silent Scream".
According to WebMD... ...the nervous system doesn't begin functioning until about the 20th week. Given that the ability to feel pain requires a functioning nervous system, the fetus cannot feel pain prior to that point. It is also interesting to note that only 1.4% of abortions occur after the 20th week.
My opinion: Of course they do. Did you know that as recently as the 1980's minor surgeries would be performed on infants without anesthesia? It was believed that infants, young children, and those with diminished mental capacities (of any age) did not experience pain to the same degree as adults. Just because someone can't say "Ow, that hurts," doesn't mean they don't feel pain.
It depends on how far along the pregnancy is. Early on, there is NO nervous system at all, central or otherwise. Therefore, they are incapable of feeling ANYTHING. Later on, the cells start to differentiate and form different parts. nerves, bones, muscles, organs, etcetera. Exactly when that is is subject to debate, but pretty much all agree that after 24 weeks it IS a functional human, implying at he ability to feel pain through a functional nervous system. IMO, any other answer would leave the realm of medical science and go into theology and metaphysics.
of corse they feel pain? They have a heart they are human. When abortion is performed at different stages sometime a fetus can be seen trying to move away from the object. Abortion is wrong. If you have a child could you imagine your life without him or her???? Keep your legs closed and use protection and birth control if you dint want a baby. Dont kill the baby because you couldnt keep your legs closed or use your brain and go on birth control. Give the baby a chance at life and if your having a hard time use adoption, thats what its for. The child will be grateful you gave him/her a chance instead of you taking its life
not as much as babies who are blown to bits by bombs or are starved or malnourished. i am more concerned by the growing violence felt by children and justification of this by wars and/or politics.
Yes, signifying the death of a life. There are MANY horror stories of babies crying as they hit the cold trash can.
who cares, thier getting aborted.
Yeah, they do. Especially during the "partial-birth" abortion where the baby's head is cut open during delivery and the brain is siphoned out. Abortion, in any form, is brutal and inhumane. You would be sent to prison if you did this to an animal, but if you do it to a baby, you are a highly paid doctor in one of the most lucrative fields of the medical industry.
by the time most babies are aborted, they are quite able to feel pain. So, yes, they do.
well, that depends on what you mean by "aborted", since many times, once the baby is expelled by the mother, whether in chunks or whole, he/she is already dead and cant feel much. the process of killing the baby im sure is painful (many times not just for the baby, but the mother as well), and not always precise, as there have been several "abortion survivors" (you can find these on google) so, sometimes the baby is delivered alive and left to die in the cold by sheer neglect (which would not be allowed with the born alive infant protection act that obama voted 3 times against) as you may have heard goes on in several abortion hospitals. the process of killing the baby can be done in several ways, some more painful than others, one being with a saline injection to the placenta which poisons the baby, another just the mechanical separation of the baby's body inside the uterus, among other methods. its all very gruesome and i doubt any of it is pain free. i can provide links as necessary if you cant find them on google
Obviously it depends upon their level of development and the method of abortion. The worst case would surely be those babies that are about to be born and have a big stainless steel needle thrust into their skull for the purpose of sucking their brains out before they are allowed to come into the world.
See the movie, "Silent Scream". Also, be aware that a foetus has a fully functional central nervous system within 30 days of conception.
I'm not sure, lets ask one!
Depends on the time of abortion. Sugrical (up to 12weeks) where they use tools to tear away at the child, and suck it through a tube. Yes it feels that. There is a video called the silent scream, it horrible and cruel. The baby gets torn apart so yes it does feel pain. Medical Abortion (where your given a pill, then you give birth. Its basically a forced miscarriage) They feel nothing, no matter how far gone you are. it like putting something asleep. The pill stops the pregnancy, so basically its like euthanasia. Hope that helped.
Their brains aren't fully different. So not pain as you know it.
Yes. "Far from being less able to feel pain, such premature newborns may be more sensitive to pain"...that babies under 30 weeks have a "newly established pain system that is raw and unmodified at this tender age." P. Ranalli, Neuro. Dept., Univ. of Toronto (The website lists medical and university research sources--not religious--to explain many ways unborn babies give evidence of pain.)
not until like the fourth month
I am not a doctor or a fetus but I truly believe they feel pain and discomfort. An abortion is inhumane even death row inmates get a humane ending to their lives not their bodies ripped to pieces.
Oh and can I also add that the saline solution abortion is very cruel, thats what they do in the USA. In the UK the medical abortion is different as its with a pill, but in the USA the baby is basically burnt alive in the womb and some of the babies can be born alive through the birth. Itts cruel and horrible, and yes they feel that too.
They feel eternal pain for they have not yet felt the grace of god by being christened and thus will live till the end of times in the fires of purgatory.
Not as much as the abortion clinic doctors do when they're blown away by a bomb
I watched an educational film once called "the silent scream",in which they showed an abortion taking place but shown through an ultrasound scan so you could watch the baby.It has stayed in mind ever since,it was horrible.The baby was visibly screaming,but i`m not sure how old the baby was.The doctor that done the op had preformed over 400 abortions and he never done another one again after watching the ultrasound.He moved to another branch of medicine.
Yes. When babies are ripped from their mother's wombs with a suction device, the baby pre-dodges the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate and when finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby's mouth clearly opens wide in a silent scream. (see The Silent Scream) You can observe a fetus open his mouth and pull his hand away if you stick him in the palm of his hand. You can witness a hormone stress response when his abdomen is punctured. You can see a pre born baby react to intrahepatic (liver) needling with vigorous body and breathing movements. You can observe his heart rate and movement change during intrauterine manipulations. You can see him wiggle around in discomfort when it encounters its mother's backbone. You can measure its pain receptors discharge electrical impulses to the spinal cord and brain (which fire impulses outward, telling the muscles and body to react) as well as observe its responsiveness to pain and touch on in real time ultrasonography, fetoscopy, study of the fetal EKG and fetal EEG.
i think they do which is one reason i hate abortions
i think they do
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