The big guy did it all.
I have no idea, I'm just glad I'm here
We evolved from something. Not necessarily apes, but most likely. Apes evolved from other mammals, mammals from other organisms, and so on. And it all began with the big bang. God created nothing, because it's hard for something that doesn't exist to create something else that is logical and actually does exist.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
We ARE apes. "Ape" is a biological clade of all hominids plus gibbons. Hominids are orangutans, chimps/bonobos, gorillas, and humans. Since all humans are hominids and all hominids are apes, all humans are apes.
Someone had to create the apes.
Even if we came from apes God made them so he in effect made us :o)
If we came from apes, why are there still apes? Why haven't all of them evolved into men and women?
Well. we xant just magically appear from apes. Someone had to make the apes. it was God. we came from God too. We were created by God there is really no such thing as evolution for humans.
The big man gets my vote...God with a capitol G...:)
I'm an evolution believer: We came from proto humans which branched off from apes about 2 million years ago.
Now if we evolved which came first the male or the female? How long did the one have to wait for the other to evolve so they could procreate? If it took a million years for one to evolve did it take a million years for the opposite sex to appear? The first would have died by that time. No, evolution never happened. We were made male and female at the same time, complete and fully made male and female by a loving God. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Evolution doesn't happen the way you describe, Thinker. It isn't just observed in the fossil record, but also is directly observed in many organisms in real time as species have been known to differentiate and split into multiple species over dozens of generations. Obviously, you won't observe dozens of generations of humans evolving over the lifespan of one human, but you can see it over the course of the fossil record, or you can observe it in small mammals over the course of hundreds of years of biological records or even over one human lifespan in small organisms that mature quickly enough and have a larger instance of mutation. The idea that a chicken suddenly lays a duck egg is just as ridiculous to an evolutionary biologist as it is to a young-earth creationist. Therefore, this argument about males and females evolving at different times is a strawman argument, as it points out how silly an idea is, when no one is proposing that silly idea.
You guys might be a monkey's uncle, but GOD made me.LOL
God made all things, not just us or apes.
i think god created us but maybe from apes how ever god created us
Creation. To say we evolved from apes - then why are there still apes? To say we happened by accident is like saying a tornado hit a junk yard and out popped an F-16. :-)
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"To say we evolved from apes - then why are there still apes?" If you give me a cold, how can you still have a cold?! It's essentially the same argument. To try to oversimplify it - say you have a child. You still exist, and you can still go on to create even more children, but your child is its own living entity. It's related to you, but it's not the same thing as the thing that you are, right? Your child will have some of your traits, some of your mate's traits, and even some traits that are independent of either of you two. Those new traits might go on to be inherited by your grandchildren. After enough generations of great-great-...-great grandchildren, there will be distinct family lines with distinct traits, some of which came from your genetics and some that did not. If you go out one hundred generations, you might even get some very strikingly different traits. The idea of evolutionary biology is that after some large number of generations, some of your distant ancestors might not even be biologically able to mate with others, due to the drifting of genetic traits, thus making distinct species. It's really not this crazy black-magic idea that many people skeptical of accepted science make it out to seem like it is.
I believe in the Bible account found in Genesis that God made the heavens and the Earth. I also believe as the book of Revelation declares: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)
Neither. Humans didn't evolve from apes. We share a common ancestry with apes. There are some really terrific resources available online to help you understand the process. Understanding evolution and believing in God's role in creating the world and everything in it are not mutually exclusive concepts.
no god -no creation--yes we evolved from a ancestor that was in the ape family-this one is not really hard to figure just looking can tell you that----smile and enjoy the day--have some points for the question
If we evolved from apes (and that's what I believe), who created the apes?
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Imagine a baby. Who created the baby? The parents, right? Who created the parents? The grandparents, right? And on and on it goes. Could this lineage happen with a God? Sure. Could it happen without a God? Why not? The existence or nonexistence of God shouldn't really be logically dependent on any of that.
Our physical bodies evolved from apes - or a cousin of the ape - (the evidence is there) but our souls came from God. Apes are also part of God's creation. God even "invented" evolution.
Neither are correct. Humans did not "evolve from apes" -- we share a common ancestor with apes.
I neither accept nor reject either theory.
This is my third answer..:) What defines "man" (or woman)? Is it our physical bodies or spirit, soul, intelligence, etc. I believe we must transcend the physical. We were created in God's image and God is spirit. When God decided to create us he had to select from among the animals that had evolved which one He would give a soul (and intelligence) to. Don't you think we were the best choice? Manual dexterity + large brains? Do you think a fish with our intelligence could split the atom or fly to the moon?
Evolved from apes? HA!! I believe more that God created all that we know and love.
I believe God allowed me to be created. I'm a Christian.
I believe that all things were created by God. How nice that on a question that asks for personal beliefs, we are downrated for it. Typical.
I believe that God created man and woman...
I believe in the God theory. As to which one is right??? We'll find out one day.
I believe in evolution.
We evolved. Even if God exists we still evolved. We are evolving as we speak! Yes the theory of evolution is not finalised, but it is a fact, UNDISPUTABLE! Even the Vatican accepts it.
I have a question. IS there REALY A DIFFERENCE??
God created us. Thank you and may God bless you. :) -In Jesus' Name.
Personally i believe God created us.
Neither. Humans and apes have a common ancestor, that's all.
I believe our bodies evolved (whether from apes or some other primate it does not matter) and whatever we evolved from was created by God and whatever they evolved from was also created by God..... Our souls, on the otherhand, I believe, came directly from God.
I believe we have evolved from a form of ape. It has been scientifically proven... but there is nothing scientifically proven about god. While I believe in something and the fact that there is something up there I have no proof about *it* (I am not so vain as to think god looks like a man). I also do not believe in the bible as it contradicts its self so many times, and was written many many years after Jesus supposedly turned up. You know what happens when stories are passed along. (Think Chinese whispers) and also the fact that it has been re-written a few times. The men that re-wrote it can NOT have been there at the time!
I do not think we were created by gods.
flag. Mabye you should check the other questions before you ask one.
We all evolved from Adam & Eve. So in someway we are all relative to one another.
Apes/mammals. It's so much more interesting than the Adam and Eve story. Plus, you know, the evidence.
apes,it goes even further,even fish and it doesn't stop there.
one celled organisms :)
I believe in evolution
We evolved from Stardust.
The apes thing is a bunch of bologna. I believe in the later. It is strange that scientist and theology scholars make both ideas credible.
evolution... I know that is not really one of the options.. but I don't think apes really explains anything.
We couldn't have evolved from apes they are still here.
I have a theory: I say we evolved. When the bible talks about Adam and Eve I think that Adam and Eve were the first people that were given souls, and then their children had souls and it was like a hereditary trait. They would "breed" with other humans like them without souls, because incest is bad, and those children would have souls too. that's my theory anyway.
i believe we evolved from a common ancestor of apes, AND i believe in a higher power too.
i believe in evolution........but then who created the first ape?or the first ape like organisms? oooooooh spoooky
God created people
Apes my ass. God created everyone of us.
I believe god created apes and then we evolved from them. And littlebirrd is right. We didn't evolve from them. We branched off from the ancestors of apes and humans.
We are an experiment put on this planet by an advanced alien life form. THAT is our 'God'. Apes are a separate line entirely.
Friar that is like an oxymoron and you are the prime moron, If you believe in creation as the story goes,god took a rib and created woman,that sounds to me like she was cloned from adams dna. Adam was supposedly created from dust. Evolutionists say we evolved from monkeys or apes,once a species has evolved that means the original no longer exists. Science says we came to be by accident the building blocks were there just neede to be introduced to each other and badda boom budda bing the big bang here we are.
God created all the different people and species. None of us evolved from anything.
Parable of the Little Soul
The difference between creationism and evolution is that evolution has substantial scientific proof. There are hundreds of archaeological,molecular, and genetic discoveries each year that give more support to evolution. Darwin's works and theories have all been essentially proven, and opened the door to modern science like genetics, cloning, the discovery of DNA. All of this is overwhelming support for Evolution. Plus, havent you ever heard of a neanderthal? or those million year old human-esque remains showing up in africa? Do you think god created "half man half apes" and "3 quarter man 1 quarter apes", which is what we are discovering? Or is it more logical to come to the conclusion that evolution is the answer? Creationisms proof is based one 1 book. the bible. Supporting arguements for creationism havent changed in 2000 years, because thats the last time a piece of evidence(the only piece)supporting creationism was discovered...the Bible. Evangelicals just dont want to believe they came from an ape because they find it degrading...reasonably so i guess.It damages the human superiority complex.
Intelligent Design prove creation. It takes more faith to believe in evolution with the many holes in the theory.
i think we were God's failed science project in the 5th grade...we're being stored in his mom's basement. He's (God) is currently pursuing a career in acting and living with a roommate name Adam (just a coincidence)
I dont think it was apes, because apes wouldnt be around now. I think we evolved from something higher than a ape. god created nothing, for he doesnt exist
This shouldnt be a question really, i mean religion is still a possibility, god is still a possibility, but unfortunately for all you evangelicals living in the 1920's, evolution has been proven... it has overwhelming evidence....god and creation has no evidence...
Of coarse I don't remember what happened, my memory does hold this answer. The farthest my human mind can see is that there should be half ape half man beings now if we just evolved from apes. Like sherrif raff said. But here is what I believe. God made a special creation with the first man. He installed a highly developed brain and ceribral spinal cortex in a monkey like form. In other words what seperates man from apes is a divine ablity to know God, a likeness to God. That is the special creation was not so much the body, but the spiritual centers in the spine, the chakras. Monkeys, dogs, fish, cannot ask for enlightenment-healing from spiritual ignorance- animals simple respond with nature. Man does not "have to" respond to nature and look to nature for guidence and survival. Man can direct his Consciousness inward, and look directly to Spirit for support. Man can survive of cosmic energy alone, such as in the rare cases like Teresa of Avila, who substained from material nutrient for 20 plus years, and Giri Bali of India who took no physical substance for over 50 years. Of coarse it is evident that most men rely on there animal intincts for survival, because we as a species have forgotten the grace of the universe that we have been given. But it is not to late to test our abilties as divine creatures. We have instincts both of monkey, and of God. It is up to you to stay one way or become another.
Coming from apes would be beleiving in evolution. God made us in his own image not in the image of apes. People who look at the big bang as the orgin of the universe. If you were to take bricks and pile them up and put a stick of dynamite in the middle of the pile, would i get a building? They also say that perhaps that we came from some mix of elements by chance. So could you possibly by repeating the brick thing come up with a building? These are pretty logical examples. Ken Ham has some good materials.
I have never yet seen an ape create anything.
I believe in evolution, and the first life was created by God.
God. humans would have to keep evolving then..but we stay human..i hope. :)
Okay, I must disagree with the previous statement. Wikipedia is a place for people to simply write in thier opinions. Now whether or not they did research is another thing... Besides, if we evolved from apes, there would be traces of apes evolving into humas and there would be no apes actually, simply evoliving cavemen.
absolutely neither. we did not come from god nor did we come from apes. why is it so hard for the religious folk to understand evolution? nowhere in the theory does it say or imply humans come from apes. nor does it say that life came from nothing. it is not a theory for the origin of life, it is only a theory for how life changed once it was here. it makes no claim to know where life came from. other theories and hypothesis handle that question.
Well, your description of evolution is a little off (we didn't come from apes: we are apes. I.e. we and other apes share a common ancestor), but otherwise my answer is: Both. I believe that God created the world: he created the first spark of life as well as the systems by which that life is governed (one of which being, evolution). Humans evolved from the first life form just as all living things did, and God set it all in motion. As for humans being "in God's image," I think that too is a matter of the evolutionary process. I think that at a certain point in a brain's development, self-consciousness naturally arises and the body becomes more than the sum of its parts. This is the gift that God gave to the earth in general as an aspect of evolution, and we in particular are its recipients.
God created us. We are are fearfully and wonderfully made to live and die in truth in the light or night of the day. Man created apes. Ever since Evolution theory exploded, other theories "evolved" from it. None having the substance of soil or spirit of truth. It lacks the truth so much, evolutionist cover it up with 1,888,006,975,754,086,356,865,976,987,888 years back as though they have spaceships and time machines to go backwards.
I think that God created us. Because if you take a lookd at the world and all the wonders in it, you can not say that it evolved from the big bang. Cause with all this beauty someone had to create it. If it all came from nothing it wouldnt be this beautiful.
As others have previously said, we did not evolve from apes, but both evolved from an earlier missing link. Ape covers a wide variety of differing related species, such as gorillas, chimanzees, orang utans, etc. We are related but separate, in the same way as gorillas are related yet separate to chimpanzees,so to ask why apes are not evolving into humans today makes as much sense as asking why gorillas aren't evolving into chimpanzees. A crude analogy would be that both my sister and I came from our mother, so why isn't my sister evolving into me as she gets older? Though I do personally believe that you can believe in evolution AND God.
God says that He created us. Humans say it was random chance. God vs. man.....I'm going to believe God over the infallibility of man. Darwin expected a huge amount of transitional species to be found in the fossil record (not many fossils had been found in 1859 when he wrote Origins of Life) He was disapointed towards the end of his life that there weren't any. 100 million fossils later there are still no credible examples of a transitional species. One will pop up form time to time, be discredited, and if you're lucky they may print a retraction in the back of a Science publication. There is such a lack of evidence for gradual evolution (the basic premise) that evolutionists have come up with "punctuated evolution" which means species changed all of a sudden. Creation Scientists have been saying this all along.
I believe Evolution is more plausible than Creationism
The question is flawed
I believe that God created us. I believe he created us to have a relationship with Him so we could enjoy His love. I believe He made us because of his love and in order to express his love to us. I believe, as Billy Graham said, we were "put here to live for him and experience the joy of his presence." I believe we were created for intimacy with God. I love this quote from The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge: "What He is after is *you*--your laughter, your tears, your dreams, your fears, your heart of hearts. He wants *you*. And he has moved heaven and earth to get you." I believe we were made because of God's love and we were made for God, for his purpose. And I believe that "[our] life's purpose fits into a much larger purpose He has designed for eternity." ~Rick Warren. "God put [us] here for a reason, and life's greatest joy comes from knowing His plan for our lives" said Billy Graham. I believe we were also made for God and his purpose. As Rick Warren describes in the chapters of his book The Purpose Driven Life: were planned for God's pleasure, formed for God's family, created to become like Christ, shaped for serving God, and we were made for a mission. And I believe we were meant to be with him forever. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."~John 3:16 Here are some resources that might be helpful to you.... --Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe, biochemist, senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University: Was Darwin Wrong? "Mike Behe...makes an overwhelming case against Darwin on the biochemical level. No one has done this before. It is an argument of great originality, elegance, and intellectual power. For readers who have been persuaded that biologists have long since demonstrated the validity of Darwinian theory, [Behe's] observations are apt to be a source of astonishment."~David Berlinski, author of A Tour of the Calculus One thing he shows is "the incredible complexity of each cell and the systems that require many complex parts to work. If you're missing one part, you don't get an almost-perfect system; you get no system at all. Any creative process would have to produce everything all at once. The Darwinian says that you produce one thing that has some function, and then you add on another one and another and so on until you get the complete cell. Each step is supposedly superior to the last. But irreducible complexity makes that impossible."~Phillip Johnson --Unlocking The Mystery Of Life, by Illustra Media, link to watch whole thing: (webpage also has 38 evidences against evolution) Summary "In 1993, Professor Phillip Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley [retired UC Berkeley American law professor and author, professor of law at Boalt School of Law, author of "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds," "Darwin on Trial," "Reason in the Balance"; see interview w/ him, in "Conversation With Phillip E. Johnson: Dismantling Darwinism": ] invited a small group of scientists and philosophers to a small beach town on the Central Coast of California. They came from major academic centers--including Cambridge, Munich, and the University of Chicago--to question an idea that had dominated science for 150 years. 'I think Pajaro Dunes represented a turning point for many of us. Individually we all had questions about evolutionary theory, but when we came together each person brought something of their own to the table and suddenly we all had a glimpse of a new way of looking at life that none of us had individually seen before.' ~Dr. Paul A. Nelson, PhD in philosophy, fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture 'I would have to say that this was an intense period of time in my life. It just seemed that there was something here much more intellectually satisfying than the view that I had held up until this time.'~Dr. Dean Kenyon, leading evolutionist, BSc in physics, Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford University, previous National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Biodynamics at the UC Berkeley, Research Associate at Ames Research Center, Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University until 1969. 'Looking it back on it now I think that gave me the motivation to just look the evidence and see where it pointed.' ~Dr. Michael J. Behe 'I realize that this was bigger than any one person or discipline. This was the beginning of a community of scientists who are now willing to face the fundamental mystery of life's origin.'~Dr. Stephan C. Meyer director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute --The Priviliged Planet, by Illustra Media (goes hand in hand with Unlocking The Mysteries of Life), for an introduction: --Cosmic Coincidences by John Gribben and Martin Rees --The Fingerprints of God~Dr, Hugh Ross, astronomer, a BSc in physics from the University of British Columbia and an MSc and PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, a postdoctoral research fellow at Caltech, studying quasars and galaxies, the youngest person ever to serve as director of observations for Vancouver's Royal Astronomical Society; He "tells the fascinating story of how the latest research into origins not only has sealed the case for divine creation, but has revealed the identity of the Creator Himself." -- "NOTE: All these books give evidences for the God of the Bible, but many are written by non-Christians, some by non-theists and even evolutionists." Topics include astronomical design, origin of life, origin of humanity, evolution and the fossil record, human consciousness, and the origin and reliability of the Bible...
"Over the years I have met many outstanding scientists who were also strong believers in Christ."~Billy Graham; in ministry for 70 years. "Some of the most devout men and women I have ever known were also scientists or engineers. To them, there was no conflict between their faith and their reason—in fact, some told me they went hand in hand...They also had discovered that faith in God is logical. They came to see, for example, that it's much more logical to believe God created this complex universe than to believe it all happened by chance." ~Billy Graham "Over the years, I've met many leading scientists and other intellectuals who not only believed in God, but told me they had concluded it was far more logical to believe in God than to disbelieve in Him. Why did they come to this conclusion? One reason, I discovered, was because they had an open mind, and were willing to examine the evidence for God and weigh it carefully and honestly." Billy Graham I believe that God created us. I believe he created us to have a relationship with Him so we could enjoy His love. I believe He made us because of his love and in order to express his love to us. I believe, as Billy Graham said, we were "put here to live for him and experience the joy of his presence." I believe we were created for intimacy with God. I love this quote from The Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge: "What He is after is *you*--your laughter, your tears, your dreams, your fears, your heart of hearts. He wants *you*. And he has moved heaven and earth to get you." I believe we were made because of God's love and we were made for God, for his purpose. And I believe that "[our] life's purpose fits into a much larger purpose He has designed for eternity." ~Rick Warren. "God put [us] here for a reason, and life's greatest joy comes from knowing His plan for our lives" said Billy Graham. I believe we were also made for God and his purpose. As Rick Warren describes in the chapters of his book The Purpose Driven Life: were planned for God's pleasure, formed for God's family, created to become like Christ, shaped for serving God, and we were made for a mission. And I believe we were meant to be with him forever. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."~John 3:16 Here are some resources that might be helpful to you.... --Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe, biochemist, senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University: Was Darwin Wrong? "Mike Behe...makes an overwhelming case against Darwin on the biochemical level. No one has done this before. It is an argument of great originality, elegance, and intellectual power. For readers who have been persuaded that biologists have long since demonstrated the validity of Darwinian theory, [Behe's] observations are apt to be a source of astonishment."~David Berlinski, author of A Tour of the Calculus One thing he shows is "the incredible complexity of each cell and the systems that require many complex parts to work. If you're missing one part, you don't get an almost-perfect system; you get no system at all. Any creative process would have to produce everything all at once. The Darwinian says that you produce one thing that has some function, and then you add on another one and another and so on until you get the complete cell. Each step is supposedly superior to the last. But irreducible complexity makes that impossible."~Phillip Johnson --Unlocking The Mystery Of Life, by Illustra Media, link to watch whole thing: (webpage also has 38 evidences against evolution) Summary "In 1993, Professor Phillip Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley [retired UC Berkeley American law professor and author, professor of law at Boalt School of Law, author of "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds," "Darwin on Trial," "Reason in the Balance"; see interview w/ him, in "Conversation With Phillip E. Johnson: Dismantling Darwinism": ] invited a small group of scientists and philosophers to a small beach town on the Central Coast of California. They came from major academic centers--including Cambridge, Munich, and the University of Chicago--to question an idea that had dominated science for 150 years. 'I think Pajaro Dunes represented a turning point for many of us. Individually we all had questions about evolutionary theory, but when we came together each person brought something of their own to the table and suddenly we all had a glimpse of a new way of looking at life that none of us had individually seen before.' ~Dr. Paul A. Nelson, PhD in philosophy, fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture 'I would have to say that this was an intense period of time in my life. It just seemed that there was something here much more intellectually satisfying than the view that I had held up until this time.'~Dr. Dean Kenyon, leading evolutionist, BSc in physics, Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford University, previous National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Biodynamics at the UC Berkeley, Research Associate at Ames Research Center, Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University until 1969. 'Looking it back on it now I think that gave me the motivation to just look the evidence and see where it pointed.' ~Dr. Michael J. Behe 'I realize that this was bigger than any one person or discipline. This was the beginning of a community of scientists who are now willing to face the fundamental mystery of life's origin.'~Dr. Stephan C. Meyer director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute --The Priviliged Planet, by Illustra Media (goes hand in hand with Unlocking The Mysteries of Life), for an introduction: --Cosmic Coincidences by John Gribben and Martin Rees --The Fingerprints of God~Dr, Hugh Ross, astronomer, a BSc in physics from the University of British Columbia and an MSc and PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, a postdoctoral research fellow at Caltech, studying quasars and galaxies, the youngest person ever to serve as director of observations for Vancouver's Royal Astronomical Society; He "tells the fascinating story of how the latest research into origins not only has sealed the case for divine creation, but has revealed the identity of the Creator Himself." -- "NOTE: All these books give evidences for the God of the Bible, but many are written by non-Christians, some by non-theists and even evolutionists." Topics include astronomical design, origin of life, origin of humanity, evolution and the fossil record, human consciousness, and the origin and reliability of the Bible... -- Does God exist? Did Jesus exist? Is Christianity credible? Is there an intellectual basis for faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God? Did Jesus die/raise from the dead? Is the bible historically reliable? Is the Bible from God? Was Darwin wrong? What did leading scientists--and evolutionist--conclude about evolutionary theory when questioning it and seeing where the evidence of life's origin led?
You know, both can be possible. Apes also came from a source and so on and so on.
We are created in God's(Christ's) own image. NOT APES.
A ape is a beast/animal. Beast and animals are not created in the image of God. When God created Adam the first living creature, he was a man, not a beast, not a animal. Later on He created beast, and animals. And no we did not come from apes. Because if that was so we still should be coming from them.
For those who believe the Word of God, which is called the bible, they have learned to not think above that which is written, lest at any time they would exaggerate, or over-estimate any thing.
He definitely created us . Ask yourself , why we r not undergoing evolution as humans to another race ? :))
We were created to evolve. So were the apes.
Evolution has way more proof. It's best answer we have at the moment.
I think we came from aliens splicing their own DNA with some form of primitive being on this planet in order to make slaves that could be used to terraform this planet and strip it of natural resources. We're just cattle and slaves for some intergalactic corporate spacemen
No paleoanthropologist would dare to seriously raise the question "did man evolve from apes?" Man did NOT evolve from apes. Paleoanthropologists "feel" that both chimpanzees (not apes) and humans may have had a common ancestor. So, far, however, that ancestor remains elusive. Fossil remains of "hominids" more similar to man or more similar to ape have been found, but no true "missing link" has ever been proven outside of assumptions. I think God created man, and that man has evolved over the centuries. He's still evolving.
There are other theories about life, not just God and evolution.
A sort of combination of the two.
God created beings with free will somewhere in the cosmos, called Adam and Eve. They chose to do evil with it, and were banished from the garden of eden, ie, heaven, and were thereby sent to earth as the lowest possible life form, and through countless reincarnations we have evolved to what we are now. We have developed the ability to see God, and our one goal is to reconnect with our Father who art in heaven.
Evolution is no longer a theory. Darwin was right! :D My 2 cents.
My hunch is that God set things up so that the spirit of evolution could have the freedom to see what might happen. Happy 200th Birthday Charles Darwin on February 12, 2009 (also Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday).
I believe that God created most of us....I am still trying to decide on some of those remaining.
all great apes have 24 chromosomes, we have 23, one of which appears to be a joined pair with 2 centermers and 3 sets of telemeres, one of which is 2X and in the middle. This might be an argument for "external design" or intervention. We have had fire and stone tools for up to, and / or over, 2 million years. Brain mapping to the human thumb and tung imply a long road to tool use and language. Apes have symboling, but lack a command level orienting for teaching. They can see and do, we can tell and do.
we are a byproduct of something else. life is an accident
Many people believe some kind of powerful force created all life on earth even Apes and Trees. Anything that grows is included in this example. What if this force made everything here come alive and then there work was done so they left. Maybe they have plans to return someday to see how its going. My story predates the Bible story. Can you believe in something you only read once? Or what kinds of conditions has society been taught to believe something or not to? You're on your own.
There is a missing link, so we can not prove that one, unless the people at the top has hidden the evidence because of the church, but if you are thinking every thing evolves, then maybe you are right because religion does to, they are starting to talk about evolution in chuch now , so maybe soon the missing link will be found.
Genesis 2:4 "This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time they were created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven." NWT... Evolution, theory in biology postulating that the various types of plants, animals, and other living things on Earth have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations. Jun 28, 2023 Evolution | Definition, History, Types, & Examples - Britannica IDK but, both definitions take a measure of faith. The Big Bang, an accident? or planed? Accident definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary Collins Dictionary › dictionary › 1. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap.....Both Evolutionist and Creationist agree to a beginning. But for evolution to be able to manipulate the universe; every galaxy, star, planet to align itself to such a perfect degree that NASA can predict where every planet will be years in advance, do a Google such and you will see a ton of different sites all dedicated to the mathematics of the universe. Is that an accident? and if a scientist can use his mind to follow and predict the future position of planets; how did the mind come to be? Another accident? Think about it; The Big Bang, an accident. the Earth, an accident, plants to animals to man, an accident. Really? I would rather believe that as the Bible points out in Hebrews 3:4 "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God." NWT As I have stated both Evolutionist and Creationist agree to a beginning, and both don't have any answer before the Big Bang. Here is a link to a brochure titled The Origin of Life-Five Questions Worth Asking. I hope you find it interesting.
God is the Creator. The evidence is: humans were meant to stand as the image of God's authority on the Earth as we rule over and subdue the rest. This includes ruling over apes. Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the Earth."
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Which of those things from Genesis 1:26 includes apes? Do they live in the seas or in the heavens? Are they livestock? Or do they creep? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
God made the beasts of the Earth. Apes belong to the Animal Kingdom.
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