• If U R using Windows XP go to explore on the drive with the CD, right click on the setup icon, select propperties, then compatabillity. U will now have to sellect the year 2000 in the dropdown menu. Click apply, then double click on the setup file again. That should help.
  • That didn't work for my says it's "not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft windows applications..." WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!
  • dont hook up the usb plug if you did take it the cd when a file comes up with MSS right click on it go to open left click. there will be a lot of folders. there will be two set up folders dont go to the one with the globe. go to the other one it should say " SET UP Launcher". right click on it go to open left click and your cd should install. hope this helps
  • I'm not sure but I believe there are not patches.When using Xp,many Craig Mp3 players do not require you to install any software.After you plug the player into your computer, go to "My Computer" and you should see the player has popped up as a storage device.Simply drag and drop or copy and paste files into the player.
  • This thing is a peice of poo. All I have to say on the matter. Mine just shows up CRAIG and then nothing. When I hook it up to my PC and says reading,ready,reading,ready..and so forth. Can format it either...So, would we be in agreement that it is dead?
  • I have the 1gb mp4 plus video player, model cmp615d.Everytime I try and install the program onto it tells me I dont have dll rquired for the install to be complete. I am using windows professional, someone helpp!!!!
  • I need the software for mine. I got it from a friend without the cd any help would be appreciated. Can contact me at [email protected]
  • If they're in the US call Craig here: 1-866-321-7191

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