No, she has guts and doesn't care who likes it or not. Good for her.
OH hell yea, thats just bad, and I get scarred
Yes, and it grosses me out when I see them walking downtown in an overcoat, too. Extremely obese women (and men, too) are not pretty except to a strange few, and I'm not one of them. Still, some of my very good friends are obese and I love them dearly, but I do fear for their lives which they are endangering. Some have gland issues, but most just like to eat. Either way, it's a problem.
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I get what you are saying but we shouldn't ban ugliness. Its immoral and impossible to regulate.
Nope. She paid her money to get in the pool like everyone else. If it bothers me that much, I don't have to look.
Yes, But that is My problem, Not hers, She can do as she pleases as long as it is legal.
nope..but then again I think everyone should just lose the clothes..the outside is a shell and all shells are beautiful by nature :)
A little bit, but I'm all for strutting your stuff!
Not as much as seeing an extremely obese man in a speedo!
Yes, especially since I've been gaining so much weight. I'm afraid I could end up like that. I'm 20 lbs. overweight.
Not so much. I think if you're confident enough to wear it, go for it...
no it doesnt... but then again, deer roadkill splatered 30 feet across the road doesnt bother me either... (jk i almost threwup and fat women can do what they want i dont care)
I think it looks dreadful as does any clothing on fat women that is too tight, too short or too young for the older ones.
I would prolly just keep to myself. I would never say anything to her, but i'm chunky myself..and i'd never think of doing that! I know i'm not small enough to look good and a Bikini.
Nope. I'm not goin home with her!
yes, very much so
Nah, I don't care. People can wear want they want, I don't measure people up the first time I see them.
yep, a lot!
I agree it's much more attractive seeing someone with a beautiful figure in a bikini, but with larger women, they've every right to wear one and I admire their confidence!
I would admire her nerve, im not a bikini wearer myself (and im not THAT fat just a bit overweight) but personally i prefer to see a 'larger lady' in a nice one piece with a kaftan (like the kind i wear obviously) or sarong to cover up the lumps and bumps. But hey diffrent strokes for diffrent folks and all that!!
Um yeah....Shamu with a bathing suit?? Not appealing...;)
I pretty much don't want to see any man in a bikini especially a beached whale.
Yes, I try not to look...unless I'm drinking. ;)
A little. Especially if she's way over the line. I know it's bad, but I just can't stand the sight of it. I also don't like guys in Speedos and chicks in suits that look like two band aids and an eye patch. Cover it up, people.
You know part of me might question it but the larger thought would be, good for her, she obviously feels good about herself and maybe she has already accomplished a goal. You don't know where people are coming from so I would applaud her. (you did say bikini and not a thong, right?)
I don't find it appealing, but it doesn't make me sick or anything. I wish I was that confident with my body, and definately appreciate that about them!
Nope. I agree with the writer that said all you have to do is turn your head and look the other way. What difference does it make? Everyone has a right to be here--fat, thin, ugly, pretty, whatever. To judge others is wrong and shows just how truly shallow a person is inside if they have issues with physical appearance. Looks fade with time like everything. Love people and not things and use things and not people.
I have to admit it that it does. But not gross me out like how seeing splattered brains gross me out - I just think, Now why would they sell her something like that? I have seen MANY gigantic women look VERY classy in clothes they wear - then you have the ones who think their a size 5 & the fat pokes through the stretched seems screaming "LET ME OUTTA HERE!"
No, for various reasons, but I'll get into one here. She deserves to wear whatever she wishes. Why would this be such a problem? If you don't particularly find this a pleasing image, then you have the option of looking elsewhere and attending to your own business. Why gawk, and point, and whatever else, when you have the option of not dealing with the sight? She is a human being, as all of us are, and she deserves the same rights as we do. Any shape or size should wear whatever they wish, and not worry about others, because they should be worrying about themselves.
i'll be honest: i don't find it attractive. however, that's purely on sight. i do not judge obese people, nor do i have a problem with them. and if an obese woman (or man) has enough confidence to walk around in a bikini or whatnot, i respect and even admire that. everyone has their own personal idea of what they find attractive and what they do not. it doesn't make you shallow if you don't find fat attractive. it only makes you shallow if you judge people on their appearance, IMO.
Honestly, yes.
Oh definitely! She should take it off immediately!
Yes. I USUALLY like thongs... But this one? 8-O
No. It is life. And it reminds me of my luck of being relatively healthy. This kind of bikinis must cost a fortune, by the way.
No Obese Women are hot they turn me on.
I'd admire her confidence.
Many people of course are going to say no-but let's face it in real life over half of every person on the beach is going to be whispering about it, or making rude comments. I was walking down the street at a size 14 in knee boots and a fairly long above the knee length skirt (very conservatively dressed) and some immature men started singing "brick house" and making rude comments. The point is, people's opinions aren't going to change until society changes. It's all about what opinion is "popular" at the time. Heck in the renassaince era big women were VALUED highly for their stature- and that made them VERY attractive-of course then we didn't have Kate Moss or Paris Hilton shaking their toothpick butts in our faces on t.v. all the time. All I gotta say is strut it-fat bottomed girls make the rockin world go 'round!
NO, I admire her guts and self-confidence. I admire people who don't care what others think and enjoy life despite everything.
I find it repulsive. Obese woman are repulsive no matter what they wear.
I realize this question is old, but... YES! I am. I'm sorry, but I am truly repulsed. And thankful in way, because it prevents me from eating anything fattening. All temptation is gone after looking at that. And I feel guilty about it, too. I really feel bad, but to say it didn't bother me, would be a lie.
honestl...yes...but not any more than seeing an extremely fat and hairy man in a speedo
Yes. But not in that sense. I am against women wearing bikini's in the first place. It's too much skin.
Hell yeah it does,seeing all that extra fat,cholestrol and cellulite freaks me out alot.
or an anerxic child beleiving this is what socity is about judging people by their looks!
Nope. In fact I endorse it! It's about time women like us get the appreciation and respect we deserve. Who the hell made the rule that skinny is pretty anyways? In some parts of the world I would be considered beautiful. Egypt haha!!!
No. I'm not exactly rake-thin myself & I don't judge people by their bodies. I would admire her for having the body confidence to wear the bikini.
Think about your stomach never feeling full, so you keep eating and eating and eating because the food tastes so good. That is what obesity is. Got it now? Its a medical issue not a moral one.
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