If it is passed on it is passed by example. My friend is a fraidy cat of everything. I was swimming with her daughter (8yrS) in the ocean and we swam through a school of small fish (sardine size.) the little girl was scared out o her bathing suit. I am sure it is imitative of her mother who is scared of everything.
It is psychologically based and is not passed down.It is only a coincidence if some family member had the same disorder.A mental disorder is not a gene that is passed from one to another but something that is developed.
"like many other anxiety disorders, panic disorder runs in families, meaning that inheritance may play a strong role in determining who becomes affected by it. In fact, panic disorder is often found in combination with other hereditary disorders such as bipolar disorder and alcoholism."
Linda Joy
Oh and it would be passed on through the DNA like anything else hereditary.
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