• I do donate periodically to different organizations. 2/12/25
  • Goodwill is one. Their home pick-up service makes it easier to donate items you don't want.
  • Yes. I make once off donations every now and again to charities that help dogs, homeless people and those with curable infections who live in poor conditions such as people in poor parts of Africa in which the donation goes towards treatment.
  • Not any more as I don't believe any of it gets to the intended people. I'll donate time and sometimes matterails to help people. As people have been collecting money for Africa my entire life if they really did want to help them surely it would be solved by now but thats not the point of collecting money is it? Example Executive Compensation at the American Red Cross (2022) $832,241: Gail McGovern, President and CEO $732,793: Clifford Holtz, Chief Operating Officer $717,023: Chris Hrouda, President, Biomedical Services $679,502: Shaun Gilmore, Chief Transformation Officer Who are these people really helping themselves ? Where did all that money come from in the first place?

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