I went to my senior prom but no idea what songs other than when the band there played In a gadda da vida.
Linda Joy
Who did you go with? -
Rick Myres
I went by myself. -
Linda Joy
Good for you! I'm glad you didn't miss it!
i didnt go, my sister was in the hospital at the time so i was really busy with her and since noone asked me to the prom anyways i totally forgot about it
Linda Joy
I'm sorry, what was wrong with your sister? -
she had a nervous breakdown, she has schizophrenia -
Linda Joy
My sister had schizophrenia. She passed last year. Is your sister still alive? -
yes, she lives in brooklyn
Hell yeah I went. There was a lot of Tesla being played.
My school was Baptist. Dancing was not allowed. We did have a senior sit-down-for-a-nice-dinner, though.
Archie Bunker
Sounds like "Footloose" -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Pretty much that, but much less exciting. -
Linda Joy
That sux! I love to dance!
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