• If you dont ask questions how else do you find out what people think, Some of the places I go lots of the people are that scared of losing their jobs they talk as little as possible or just say yes sir. In the case of my question about caravaning how tell my friend nicely I'm not taking her caravaning is why I asked, Theres no reason for people here to have to suck up and not say what they think. Lots of places dont care what you think even on the internet they want to tell you what to think.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      You can get arrested in the UK for that now.
  • I ask and answer for many reasons depending on topic, I ask fun questions for interesting and fun responses, I ask serious ones to see what others think, to gain new information. It's great having a diverse group of people from different countries, backgrounds and beliefs, it offers a wider perspective.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Well said

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