not enough, for one thing i dont have anyone to say it to and also, my parents never said it to us so i was always shy about saying it
I don
I don't like talking to the air. I prefer my "I Love you" to be directed at one very special person "in person." Many, many times a day I wish he was here so i could say it to him personally. However I am forced to live with his choices. Being apart is never as good as being together. ever
Linda Joy
why are you apart? -
IDK, it's a secret.
It's a bland and meaningless statement to make these days. You should instead demonstrate the type of "love" you have, instead of just throwing it out there and making people uncomfortable.
Linda Joy
I don't know why it would make anyone uncomfortable. In any case that's on them but I agree you should back it up with action.
not enough, i dont really have anyone to say it to
I'm not sure. I think I say it the right amount. I mean, I tell my girlfriend "I love you" a few times everyday. and I sometimes tell my best friend I love her.
I've heard both sides of that bell!
not often enough, i dont really have anyone to say it to
NEVER say it unless you mean it!!!
I don't think that you can say it too much as long as you mean it!!! My husband & I made a habit of NEVER leaving each other's side without saying "I love you". Then he went to bed one night & NEVER woke up again. It gave me sooo much comfort knowing that the last word he heard from me was "I love you" & I knew he loved me. So, do NOT stop telling your son that you love him. God forbid that anything might happen, but you NEVER know until it happens; so, don't be sorry after the fact!!!
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