Watching Irishmen on youtube lately has been entertaining. 1/13/25
Shadow Of The MindI am an Irish citizen and I might be the only Irish active user on Answerbag. Unfortunately I can’t view links on here because I use my phone and can’t select all the text in the link. What is the video that you’re trying to show me?
dalcoconoA funny Irishman talking about "how to talk about somebody the Irish way". He goes by @Garron_Music. He has a channel with a bunch of comedy on it and he ends every video with "follow me, I'm delicious"
Shadow Of The MindSounds funny. “Follow me, I’m delicious” sounds like another take on “Kiss me, I’m Irish”
dalcoconoHe is funny. He's one of my favorite youtubers at the moment.
★StevoHes looking very healthy lol. Im never seen that bloke b4.
Shadow Of The MindVery good
dalcoconoI just ran across him watching youtube "shorts". I think he's pretty funny. The video where somebody else's "mum" tells him he's "gone fat"is really funny.
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