-'s sort of odd. Here I am - one of the few people I know who do vote in Presidential elections, and who pays attention to candidates in the run-up to an election - surrounded by people who (mostly) don't vote but who also think that Trump can do no wrong. They buy into nearly every conspiracy theory that Trump proposes, and either ignore or laugh off his even more idiotic claims. * From the get-go, I loathed Trump's "loose canon" comments. That doesn't mean that I liked competing candidates any better...but Trump is my least-favorite Republican Presidential candidate in my lifetime (which goes back a way). (If you're wondering, Dick Cheney is my #2 least favorite. Democrats? #1 = Bill Clinton, #2 = Hillary Clinton, with Biden a very close third) * I just don't understand how someone who is so obviously corrupt can be so popular among the supposedly "good, Christian people" of the area. Doesn't character count for anything?
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! I do like Trump's wrestling character:
Probably not much different than living in que mala country. People get up in the morning and get the kids off to school, then go to work. People carry on the daily business of life by going to the market, doing their chores and earning a living. Go out to the casinos or the bars for some entertainment. watch tv at night. Just the same sort of thing we did before Trump was ever on the radar. 10/2/24
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