REALY well considering the mindless democrap obstacles at every stem. Blue wave Ha Ha!
Linda Joy
You didn't even read it, did you? You'd rather be prejudiced than informed. -
Linda Joy
Way to tuck tail and run Mr. Pants!
Although Trump makes good noise that still fools most people who voted for him he is right on target for tearing the USA apart bringing us closer to the One World government of the UN. His latest is the tariffs he put in place this week. I will have to wait and see what happens with N. Korea, there are too many smoke and mirrors going on with that one. Every time i see something on n. Korea I think about the book of the mid 1950's entitled "On The Beach" could this book be coming true?
Another bad thing Trump has done is to make all illegal persons felons. Yes, they are in violation of the law but not necessarily felons. The real problem is when children are separated from parents. Some of these children are placed in care a thousand miles or more away. The government in some cases have no idea where these children are located. Other children are placed in a cage with other children. This cage not only has 4 walls it is also covered over on top with fence material. These children have no privacy and are required to sleep on a concrete floor on a thin pad. This is causing irreparable damage to these children that may last a lifetime. The government does not give a goddamned about children but only in prosecuting people . This simply is not right regardless the reason. How would you feel if the police showed up and placed you in jail and sent your children to another state over a thousand miles away then lost track of where your children are? I am not saying the illegals are not guilty but only how children are ripped from their parents in a strange land and not speaking English. The woman who is in charge of ICE laughs about this. Should she even be allowed to be in her position? -
Linda Joy
The government didn't do it. Their parents are solely responsible for the consequences of their choices. And the government did rip my grandson from my life and eventually denied all contact because of the choices of his parents and I still blame the choices of his parents! I doubt this even would've happened to begin with if all illegal immigrants had chosen to obey the law once they got here. But they didn't they brought down the twin towers, formed gangs and became criminals. No, not all. But enough to make this tragic mess come to be. I'm so sorry those people actually responsible did what they did that brought it to this point, but no part of our government brought those children here causing this problem. My advice - if you truly love your children enter legally. No problem! -
Linda this is one area we totally disagree on. Yes, the parents had a choice, hopefully come to the USA having a better life with less chances of the worse conditions and life loosing situations where they came from. I am sorry about your grandson but the conditions are different with those coming here in hopes of a better life. They would do so legally but the requirements of the USA makes it almost impossible to do. I wish the government would bring back the Bracero Act of the 1950's. Yes there are really bad gangs such as the MS13 which has infiltrated the USA and the world but they are not the common people who come for a better and safer life. The craving of drugs by the American people is a big problem coming across the border but this too is not the common people looking for a better life. As for the twin towers this was an inside job of the CIA and planned by George H W Bush to protect the Bush oil holdings in the Middle East. I don't know if you have ever been to Mexico but I live 10 miles from the river and have many friends of Mexican heritage. I have also lived and worked in Mexico in Amatitan, Jalisco state. I know what happens there and how they live. It isn't much different than those from Central America or South America. Columbia, S A. is ten times more dangerous than Mexico according to a friend I had from there. Until you have walked in those people's shoes you have no idea what their lives are like and why they take the risk to come here. -
Linda Joy
I misspoke when I said "I've lived in Juarez." I meant to say I lived in El Paso and I've been to Mexico. Most of my neighbors here are Latino,. I've had people working for and with me that are Latino. I have no problems with them. I don't believe your conspiracy theory about the towers. I believe increased homeland security has prevented multitudes of disasters and needs to be strictly enforced. The best way to raise law abiding children is by example. As you probably already know I've been homeless and penniless. I've lived without running water. I know squalor. I've been there. So we can agree to disagree. -
I am glad to hear you have some knowledge of Mexico. I hope you have been deeper than Juarez, a boarder city. I have been to and lived and worked in small villages deep in the interior about two hours out of Guadalajara. As for 911 I do not believe it is a conspiracy as there is just too much evidence showing what took place and why. Yes, children do learn by example, good and bad. Bad laws should be removed and what is being done with those escaping terrible situations should not be denied protection The USA did this with the "boat people" after Vietnam. Do you remember that happening? I too have been homeless living in my pick-up for over a year and the only money I had was from unemployment. -
Linda Joy
I had absolutely no money for two years while I waited for my disability case to go to court and lived in 3 different homeless shelters because I had no vehicle! And if people cared more than to just give lip service and actually contributed to the cause the taxpayers wouldn't have to foot the bill! If people donated as much to the problem as they spend on going to the movies the problem would be eliminated! And if people who live in undesirable conditions quit birthing children into the mess they wouldn't have to worry about it! American taxpayers are not responsible for funding other people's children! -
Which is less expensive to the US tax payer, caring for those of other countries who desire to come here for a better and hopefully more productive life or the cost of protecting Bush oil corporations in the middle east at the cost of over $5Million per hour 24/7/365?That calculates out to $120,000,000 per day. None of the money is on the national budget but is borrowed directly from the Federal Reserve Corporation at interest. The Fed is about to raise the interest rate. This causes more inflation for us but makes it look like the treasury is saving money because they borrowed the money at a lower rate so with inflation it makes it look like a savings. currently the USA owes over $49 trillion for the middle east wars. Bringing ALL those wanting to come to the USA would not cost what one day costs for the wars. Think about that! -
Linda Joy
You've missed the entire point. It is not the responsibility of US taxpayers to fund a better life for criminals! These parents are sacrificing their children to sex traffickers in order to get a better life for themselves! Frankly the children deserve better parents! The ones who choose to come here legally are the only ones we should let in! And if the Democrats had not created the law (Clinton) and left them in the same exact conditions (Obama) Trump wouldn't have to fix it for them. Then when he presents a solution they don't want that either because then they loose their power to inflame and infuriate prejudiced Trump haters who have proven by their own prior actions and inaction that they don't care about the children AT ALL! -
You poor disillusioned woman! Trump is leading this country down a bumpy road of hate and lies. -
Linda Joy
Trump didn't say it, I did. And I challenge you to show me the lie, and prove it is one. So many people throwing that word around with absolutely no proof! And I don't hate any of these people. I just don't think criminals should be allowed in our country. And these people are by definition criminals! And that's the truth!!! -
Donald Trump is much better than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
Pretty good since over 100 funded groups and the media want him gone.But I am sure his few,good people in the FBI,CIA and DOJ have enough evidence to shake things up.That's the main reason the media is running scared.
He's doing the best job as President in my lifetime and I have lived through 9 so far. The real question is how am I doing and since Trump was elected I have not done better...not even close. Making money hand over fist because conservative principals are at play and Trump is leading the charge.
hopefully good
The Lord Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 22:36-39 and elsewhere in the Bible to “Love the Lord God and to love our neighbour as ourselves” yet many have bought into the false “Make America great again” hate desires of Donald Trump. Trump has caused great dissension between the political parties of the USA like never before. He has escalated the hate of many countries around the world with his tariffs against our allies. He has fostered his hate against Muslims around the world when most do not hold any animosity towards the USA. Donald Trump has and is using children as pons to spread his hate against Central and South America as well as against Mexico pushing for his wall along our southern border. Now he is forming alliances with Russia and North Korea, two known atheistic communist countries whose aim has alway been to overthrow and destroy the USA. I am asking are the Christians of the USA going to continue supporting Donald Trump and his hate politics? Or are you going to put a stop to him by working to remove him from the office of President of the United States of America? Do you support hate or love? If you agree with what I have said please share this with your friends.
Linda Joy
I quit reading when it became obvious you're delusional. Not even going to waste my time and I have plenty to waste! -
Delusional? Hardly! everything I said is the truth but then you trump people are too blinded to see his lies and hate to and about others. -
You are a mindless robot of liberal media who demonize the POTUS!
After the GOP stonewalled on a replacement for Scalia in 2016, Trump chose Neil Gorsuch. He'll get to choose another Justice shortly when Kennedy retires. Seating another conservative along the lines of Gorsuch will put pressure on overturning Obergefell v. Hodges and Roe v Wade. That sort of political pandering, not civil rights or public safety, represents a huge step backwards as though the past 50 years never happened. It's a slippery slope, folks.
Linda Joy
Some things were better 50 years ago. I'd like to see an end to the murder of innocent children who've never even so much as cried yet! For crying out loud, we have legal access to birth control! And the bleeding hearts that want to Bitch about children in cages apparently would rather they were all slaughtered before birth? No. Even when Trump had a solution they bitched about that, too because they don't want the problem solved because then they'd have no fuel to stir up contention, which is their ONLY goal! And Trump's appointment of two conservative judges only balances out the two liberal ones Obama appointed. -
You're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to make, or withhold, decisions for someone else. That is what's at stake: the loss of 50 years of progress for those who have ben denied what others could take for granted. -
Linda Joy
I'm not making or withholding anything! Its called the law. And I'm not a legislator. If I were innocent children definitely wouldn't be regularly slaughtered as a form of birth control! -
Mushroom sounds like a robot controlled by liberal fake news media. -
Linda Joy
I think mushroom is usually pretty smart, actually.
He's doing much better than Obama did or than Hillary would've done.
He is doing even better than I hoped. I would vote for Alaric the Visigoth if he opposed wicked Hillary Clinton.
Well, He made it for 4 years but was a complete failure
Linda Joy
He fought four years under oppression from every side, and still did more for America than you did. What does that make you? Less than a failure?
The page was taken down for a reason. I think the BBC is a fact-based organization, unlike the fact-free organization of people like yourself. 404 Page cannot be found
Linda Joy
Because this question was asked years ago when it was relevant. And there are no other people like me. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
So how am I supposed to know this?
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