why do plenty of standards refer to normal operating conditions? They usually define what the normal operating conditions are.
Shadow Of The Mind
There are many people brainwashed to use that word by mind control freaks which they are unaware of. -
yes there is no shortage of stupid pathetic people . in many cases there is a duty of care to explain normal operating conditions to all operators. you if go to work there are many normal conditions that you must except. -
In my own time lots of things I consider normal many others say aren't normal as long as you arent hurting others all is good. Ole mate normally does that hes not hurting anyone, Whos version of normal is correct . Mine would be vastly different from yours in lots of cases.
Normal does exist in the real world though. Every year I have blood tests done, and the doctor tells me everything is in the "normal range" with a couple being at the higher end of normal. There are lots of other things that are considered normal or abnormal too. Such as blood sugar levels, weight ranges, eyesight hearing etc. As far as a "whole human person" being normal, that is subjective to whomever is doing the rating I'd think. Not everybody is going to be considered "normal" by everybody else all the time. IMHO 9/6/24
Shadow Of The Mind
There is no such thing as “normal”. That’s all in the subconscious mind. If you were aware of people you would know the world contains control freaks. The word “normal” comes from control freaks who brainwash others and expect things to be a certain way. When people invent things, they say it’s “normal” the way their invention acts or behaves because that’s how they want it to be in their minds. People who use that word for other things that are not meant for people such as being “in a range” don’t know what they are talking about. Anything that is invented by humans such as a system for instance will refer to it as “normal” because that is their expectation. There is such a thing as being natural and unnatural which makes sense instead of using the word “normal” which doesn’t make sense. -
So, what would you say when the doctor tells you that your blood pressure isn't normal, or your psa antigens aren't normal. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I would say “you mean to say my blood pressure is average” -
Simply semantics.
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