why would it be needed to deliver a letter? Not needed here . The postman has never rang me and asked me where my lettter box is.
Shadow Of The Mind
I think that a phone number can be included after an address line for the person or company to contact the customer in case anything should happen. Some companies and organisations may include their phone number as well as the address on the envelope. -
on your letter head maybe its not needed on the enverlope .youll end up with scamers calling you if you put the number on the enverlope. -
At the farm Ive had the postman show up and tell me Im suposed to have a letter box down the road. She has a po box in town I dont get any mail there. That was because of some bs letter to the home owner advertising. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I think you are right about scammers calling me if I have my phone number on the outside of the envelope. -
dont put you number on mail , unless you like talking to scammers. -
Shadow Of The Mind
There is no way I’ll talk to scammers so I will take your word for it.
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