Firstly I don't refer to any country that way, terms which are used to get a reaction and become a distraction from serious dialogue and problem solving. In the context that the current pres used, followed by his immigration preference, show a great deal of ignorance and narrow-mindedness. Broad generalizations make for very poor communication and leadership.
Hardcore Conservative
But to answer the question, isn't that why people are leaving their countries to come here (speaking of the South and Central American and African countries in particular)? -
Yes and what entities/countries are exploiting these countries resources and labor for selfish ends? This is where the constructive conversation can happen, not to mention compassion for those less fortunate than we. -
Hardcore Conservative
Are we exploiting El Salvador? Mexico? How exactly are we exploiting them? And when you're talking about compassion, how about compassion for the unfortunate legal immigrants? Where's the compassion for citizens of the US? Shouldn't we take care of them before we take care of non-citizens? -
HC What do you propose to be done with people living in countries with deplorable conditions? -
Hardcore Conservative
We are not responsible for everyone, mug. We're sending a lot of these countries billions of dollars in aid so they can take care of their own people. Why are we taking the people and then giving the countries money for those people? How about if those people want to live here, they apply to do it legally? How is it fair to let them in when there are people who've done it the right way and have been waiting in line to get it? Is that fair to push them farther back in line? Aren't those countries shitholes, which is why they want to leave?
Here's why: "The US has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems." Donald Trump
If this continues, America will no longer be white again. -
I mean, great again. :) -
Hardcore Conservative
So it's a race issue? Aren't we talking about nationalities, not races? -
Yes, there is only one race scientifically, that of the human race. The variabilities come from our amazing ability to adapt to various environments. Prejudice is fed by ignorance or worse by design to keep the masses divided and weak while the oligarchs pop caviar. -
Roaring, I agree there is only one race scientifically, as well as there is only one human race in God's view. -
HC, I'm sure you understood what Trump meant. It can seem racial if you read between the lines, but: "We either have a country or we don't." -
Hardcore Conservative
Sorry Jenny, but it has nothing to do with race in my view. Everything can seem racial "if you read between the lines." I don't think we should let a bunch of Africans into the country, white or black. We need to limit immigration to those who will benefit our society, not be a burden. -
That's your view, since you're a literal thinker. Since you mention Africans, both white and black, white Africans tend to prosper in comparison to black Africans that are all over the US border, waiting to get in: There is nothing wrong with limiting immigration, but when it gets out of control, it becomes a problem. -
Hardcore Conservative
Immigration is out of control which is why it needs to be limited. How is it fair to take money that can be used for Americans and give it not non-Americans? -
We don't have time for limitations. We need to worry about Americans first before we start worrying about non-Americans. -
Hardcore Conservative
I agree to a point. Continue to allow LEGAL immigration for those that we can ascertain will benefit us and will assimilate. Those that don't, send 'em packing. But you're right in that we need to help Americans first. -
Trump said there will be no amnesty deal. This includes young immigrants living in the US. He's the president, so no can do is his outlook. -
Hardcore Conservative
But, he's also willing to compromise. Something the Schumer doens't seem willing to do. -
Are you saying that Trump is getting weak? This is not what his followers would like to hear. "The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised." -Andrew Carnegie -
Hardcore Conservative
The whole idea behind the bicameral system we have is compromise. We're not going to be able to get any legislation passed without compromise. -
Learn it from Andrew Carnegie and by the principles Trump said in his campaign. If Mexico pays for the wall, I'm sure there will be amnesty.
Read Emma Lazarus's poem. Some of the words are "Give me your tired, your poor."
Hardcore Conservative
Yeah, but do we have to take ALL of your tired and poor? Shouldn't we be worrying about Americans first? How many homeless Americans are we leaving out to bring in more tired and poor? Should there be a test? Do you contribute more than you take away?
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