If the bank repossessed your car and then offered it back to you after you bought a better one, would you take it back? The answer is, "He doesn't need it".
He's supposedly got his own platform, on which he can twit as much as he wants without censure. Looking it's called "Truth Social", and in fact is one of the top "social media" web sites / apps. Having just recently (October 2022) been approved as a Google app, it will probably gain a lot more popularity in the coming months. *** I guess he feels that, since he doesn't HAVE to be restricted by Twitter's much stricter guidelines, then he's not GOING to be. Or - to put that another, more down-to-earth way - it would be bad publicity for him to be kicked off of Twitter YET AGAIN.
It's been claimed that the deal to sell Truth Social to Digital World Acquisition Corp. requires Trump to use the platform. If this is true & he abandons Truth Social for Twitter his followers will do the same & the deal could collapse, potentially costing him millions.
He is back and I see his ridiculous Tweets every day.
He's not allowed to go back on Twitter, He now owns Truth Social along with numerous other investors & it's struggling. They are trying to unload it as we speak. They are trying to sell Truth Social to Digital World Acquisition with whom they have an agreement that Trump will continue to send his crazy messages on Truth Social. If he goes back to Twitter, that will lower the value of Truth Social & Digital World will rescind their offer & his investors will pull out. If you pay attention, Trump is like a toddler going through the terrible twos. Even IF he wasn't trying to sell Truth Social, he wouldn't go back because nobody is telling him that he can't. It's only fun to throw a tantrum when somebody is telling you NO!!! Anyway, Musk is a LOT richer than Trump & Trump will do anything that he can to reduce Musk's net worth & going back would only help him!!
Army Veteran
It's so good to hear from you bottomfeeders once in a while. -
The truth always hurts the feelings of a bully!!! My opinion is as valid as yours. So, if that's the best you have to offer, please stop embarrassing yourself!!!
Trump might realize his time of extreme fame is up, now that he is getting older.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Does that make you happy or not?
Too many people bash him on Twitter.
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