My counsellor says she knows Hillary won't get elected/run. She says America won't do with a female president. I hope Oprah chokes on a chicken bone before she ever runs. I don't think she's planning on it but could you just imagine? What a hell that would be.... Who do you think is going to run?
Archie Bunker
Not sure who the last man standing will be. I think it'll be interesting to watch the "Progressives" cut each other's throats during debates. -
Linda Joy
or woman... I think Condoleezza Rice might actually win if she ran, but she's too smart for that!
No telling! I remember when I first heard Trump was running. I said it was officially a circus then! But he's done well, in my opinion. There are at least a half dozen women putting their hats in, but I'd be surprised if any made it past the primaries. I hope Trump wins a second term.
Archie Bunker
I think if we continue to see morons like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren (I could care less that they're women) continue to espouse the extreme left agenda, Trump shouldn't have an issue in 2020. This Green New Deal? Jeezus!! Do these idiots even understand what they're talking about?? -
Linda Joy
I don't think so. I think these kids were raised with entitlement issues and expect everything to be given to them. What they're proposing would bankrupt the American Government, and its already deeply in debt! I don't think they understand the concept of money! I would like to see a woman president, but not if she's not capable! I love this country too much for that! -
Archie Bunker
I don't care if it's a woman or a man. What's the difference? I think the shift if society and what it values is the real problem. And that starts at home.
My first pick would be Tulsi Gabbard and/or Bernie Sanders. The Democratic and Republican establishment are the ones that go after and obsess on character assassinations on candidates of any party that speak truth to power. The mainstream "news" media has become their tool.(Both parties) Just look at where these media outlets get their advertising money. Lets have more informed discussions on issues that affect every day Americans.
Archie Bunker
As to your last sentence, we absolutely should. People should not rely on one news source. They should get their information from as many as possible, because they're all tilted, some more than others. What I don't understand is how someone can advocate for turning this republic into a socialist oligarchy. That goes against everything that this country was founded on. -
Linda Joy
I think if you want to live in a socialist country you should move to one and leave America alone! Its not working where they've tried it.
there's 44 so far.
Archie Bunker
Let the bashing begin!
This is going to be some popcorn good shit! I'm going revel in watching the claws come out only for nothing. TRUMP 2020
Archie Bunker
Keep America Great!
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