Since I stay home most of the time and have been on a limited income for the past 7 years, there's really not too much I have to cut back on - except groceries. This doesn't really hurt that much, since I need to lose weight anyway. As for any "tips", I always put part of my monthly income into my savings account - I try to make it at least $100. As long as things stay normal (not having to make too many trips and burn gas), I can usually get by okay.
Linda Joy
So you cut back on groceries by limiting meals? Or cutting back on portions? Or by eating cheaper as in less meat more beans and rice?...And another strategy you use is combining or eliminating trips? My truck got towed, so I cut back on all my gas, insurance and tags! -
Army Veteran
Your truck getting towed doesn't count as "cutting back". I interpret "cutting back" as sacrifices made through optional strategy, and not because circumstances gave no alternatives. Had there not been a dumbass in the White House, we wouldn't have to "cut back" - having your truck towed would have still put you in the same financial position in relation to the gas, insurance, and tags. I've been limiting meals for over a year - my A1c was hovering in the full-blown diabetic range and my doctor told me that if I don't get it down he'd put me on medication. I changed my eating habits and lost 85 lbs in 6 months. I've since ballooned back up to "pre-diabetes", so I'm cutting back again. I've lost 8 lbs in the past week - still have 95 lbs to lose. I have to be careful, though - with heart failure I can't put too much stress on my heart. I have a defibrillator implanted in my chest, and I don't want to set it off - the last time it knocked me into next week. -
Linda Joy
It was a choice. And it did cut back on costs. I'm on two medications for diabetes, and it is well controlled. I lost 100 lbs when they finally diagnosed and medicated my hypothyroidism at 50. I gained some back when I didn't have control over my food (in the homeless shelter you eat what you're fed and are thankful!) I've been dieting all my life. I wasn't aware I had hypothyroidism so it was always a struggle. Losing weight fast almost never works. I lost 12 lbs in 3 days when they put me on metformin. I was on the toilet almost the whole 3 days!! Honestly, my cutting back days were when I was trying to raise my son as a single parent and again when the grandson came along. I don't have much, but I don't need to cut back for the first time in my life. This question was more for the others that are struggling. I do have plenty of advice to give in the area.
The obvious with regard to utilities. Use as little as possible. Keep doors and windows closed when running heat or air conditioning. Set thermostats to your limit of comfort. Antenna (free) TV, and turn it off when not in use. Turn off the lights when not in use (note: not as important as formerly, as LED bulbs are very, very cheap to use). Don't run the water needlessly. Showers should be quick and utilitarian. Look into cheaper internet package or provider. Etc. *** Regarding food: you can eat healthy and cheap on a limited income. I've reduced my (personal) grocery bill from $50 per week to about $25 per week, and I'll probably reduce it further. First: don't feel a NEED to eat meat more than once a week. (I eat fish at least once a week, for health reasons.) If you can afford more than once a week that's fine, but you don't need it. You can replace meat with beans and rice (see warning below) or eggs (warning: high in fat content, but also very high in animal protein and much less expensive than meat). Several *relatively* inexpensive dairy items are available, such as cheap (but real) American cheese and milk. (You should consume dairy daily. Note that cottage cheese - which I love - is a poor source of dairy nutrition compared to things like milk and cheese.) Whole grains are also relatively cheap - store brand 100% whole wheat bread and pasta, for example. Veggies can be done very cheaply (carrots, potatoes, canned green beans, for examples, as well as spaghetti sauce on pasta) or slightly more expensive (larger packages of frozen veggies or mixed fresh veggies, for example). need to be aware that the rice of most nations (including the U.S.) is dangerously high in arsenic content, such that the FDA recommends only two very small servings per week. However: rice is very cheap and a good source of niacin and (if you use brown rice) whole grain. There are two nations that produce rice with safe arsenic levels: Thailand (lowest arsenic levels) and India (close second). I buy Thai brown Jasmine rice for the whole grain and flavor, but you can definitely get cheaper (much cheaper) Thai white rice in large bags. *** If you love foods like rice, spaghetti, potatoes, etc. as much as I do, then you can seriously reduce your weekly food bill. *** Another very inexpensive food is popcorn (from a jar or bag, that you pop on the stove in a pot with oil), but the health benefits are minimal. (Other than calories, extremely few nutrients.) It's probably the cheapest way to fill your belly, but I don't recommend it if you can afford much healthier alternatives like potatoes. *** Also watch out for Tuna, which has a high mercury content. Again: the FDA recommends no more than two small servings per week. I don't eat tuna any more except on VERY rare occasion.
Linda Joy
Good answer! But no mention of drinks or other addictive substances which is where most people need to cut back. Cigarettes, soda, juice, other sugary drinks, alcohol, drugs, coffee, prostitutes, etc. And entertainment not already mentioned.
All of the extras that are not really essential.
Too long in a good paddock I wouldn't know. stop buying as much fuel thats the biggest expense every week.
Linda Joy
I don't buy any fuel. Now what? -
Find a husband? Otherwise as an independant woman your going to have to make yourself some money . All my wife knows how to do is spend money at 55 she hasn't done a days work in over 25 years. -
Linda Joy
I worked for about 30 years before I couldn't anymore. I had a husband, didn't like it much. I don't fight as much now. Got the son raised, paid off my home and then lost it when I got sick. And I haven't really worked in over 14 years. And I'm doing just fine with just me! I know how to save money even on SS disability.
entertainment and eating out.
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