I just bought a new Dyson vac. I just convinced myself that my want was a need.
Boola Boo
That is a good idea.However what I want is to pay for the "Master Class" subscription online which is $180.00. I have hunger to know what they are teaching. Not quite a need.
just do it anyways
Boola Boo
hahaha, throw caution to the wind! I like that. If something happens down the line and I need the money I'll be upset I spent it. I'm supposed to be a good steward of my income.
just enjoy it
Cash or plastic
Budget for it. My budget contains not just recurring expenses like rent, food, ISP, and bus fare, but everything. To buy my portable air conditioner (over $300) I had to set aside $50 to $100 a month. Less expensive stuff can either be gotten from the excess left from the current month, or added to next months budget.
Save up.
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