House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, was arrested in Napa County, California, on Saturday night for allegedly driving under the influence. The 82-year-old was detained around 11:44 p.m. and booked on two misdemeanor counts -- driving under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or higher -- according to the Napa County Criminal Justice Network's records.
Now that the Democrats are falling apart in their political influence, I don't think he has much of a chance to wiggle his way out of it. She's distancing herself from it like all the Demonrats are abandoning ship.
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Well...she'll probably be able to pull strings to get him off. Congressmen have been pulled over and ticketed for DUI on several no avail, except for a brief, scandalous story in the newspaper if it gets reported to the press. (Note: most often, the officer won't dare issue a ticket. it takes a really upstanding officer to go through with it.) *** In the U.S., justice isn't "even". The system simply doesn't work the same for the wealthy and powerful as it does for the poor and non-influential...except in the most blatant and clear-cut cases of extreme criminal activity.
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No Bible, it turns out that he plead guilty and paid the victim of the accident restitution, served two days in jail and will be on probation for three years. You were/are WAY off! -
He also sold the car. This happened at the end of May & he had plead guilty by the end of August. His original lawyer wanted to get him out of all of it; so, he fired the lawyer & hired one who would do the right thing. At least he didn't claim that his car was stolen & a fake driver who looked just like him was substituted for the truth!!!
Apparently, even her husband needs to get drunk to be around her.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Nice Try. Nancy was no where around him. She was doing her job - in Washington, DC. -
Army Veteran
They're married, aren't they? Are you trying to say she never goes home to hubby? If that's the case, maybe he was celebrating. -
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no one is above the law
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what about his stock market activitys? The lot of them think they are and the pathetic system allows it constantly. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Child molesting beats insider trading in the list of criminal activities.
Anyone that drives under the influence should be arrested before they kill someone.
Yes, I do agree with you
I think the key word is allegedly driving under the influence (alcohol) No matter how much evidence is presented every suspect is officially considered not guilty,. Plus full judicial rights is the right for everybody. I'll wait and see what the results of the judicial procedure is.
Army Veteran
In this case, "allegedly" is being used to minimize the crime because of who he is. Liberals say that "no one is above the law" - until they're the ones who get caught with their tits in the wringer. Then, they either sweep it all under the rug or try to minimize it like they're doing here so as to not implicate "a member of the privileged class". -
My comment dealt solely with judicial rights. It didn't refer to politics or any political leader of either party.
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