Not all that isolated. With China India N Korea Belarus and a couple other nations supporting them, they are getting by and still murdering and raping Ukrainians without a care in the world or a worry that they might get hit back. Poland should fly those fighter jets to Ukraine and then they could hit Russia.
Army Veteran
Oh, poor Ukraine - if you remember Joe bragging about his own Quid Pro Quo, they were the pay-to-play country that put Hunter Biden on their payroll knowing he had no experience in anything - except selling political access to daddy Joe. I'll bet they've turned over a new leaf by now...what do you think? Ever heard of the Donbas? The people living there have been pro-Russia ever since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and they want to go back. NATO and Biden are denying their right to sovereignty (violation of international law). But the West is demonizing Russia, so it must be so. Personally, I think their attitude toward Russia is leftover uncertainty about the Cold War. -
Your ongoing support of Putin and his reign of terror is APPALLING. Russia DESERVES to be demonized for this outrageous invasion and destruction of life and property. Putin is a tyrant who would love to reestablish the old cold war iron curtain. It doesn't matter how many citizens of the Ukraine are "pro Russian. That doesn't give the demon Russians the right to invade. Would you think it would be a good thing for Mexico to invade the US because there are many pro Mexican people living here. Please stop supporting and promoting Russian aggression and killing on this site. It's shameful! -
Army Veteran
How many of your "pro-Mexican" people want to go back to Mexico but aren't being allowed to? I'm pretty sure that any "pro-Mexican" who wants to go back need only to step over the border going the other way and no one will stop him. [] I'm not * supporting * Putin or anyone. I'm looking at the facts. You get to live where * you * want to live...your "pro-Mexicans" get to live where * they * want to live - but the pro-Russian people of the Donbas region don't get the right to live where * they * want to live. And (Insert photo of Forrest Gump here) "...just like that, Ukraine ain't corrupt anymore." -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
"but the pro-Russian people of the Donbas region don't get the right to live where * they * want to live. " 1465 - Its not Ukraine who caused the problem, its Russia. Pay attention. Its embarrassing. BTW, how much is Putin paying you? -
Army Veteran
Was Ukraine in favor of the pro-Russian people of Donbas going back to Russia? If so, why didn't they just let them go and avoid this whole mess? If they DIDN'T want them to go, they were denying them their international right to sovereignty. So then whose fault would that be? Russia? How would it be Russia's fault for Ukraine to deny the people of the Donbas region their right to sovereignty? The problem was there before Russia invaded - they invaded * because * of Ukraine's refusal toward the people of Donbas. -
Ukraine does not have to give up territory to Russia simply because some Russians living there want them to. That is a ridiculous notion. Imagine giving CA back to Mexico, simply because Mexicans living there wanted it so. Ukraine has a right to it's sovereignty. Russia has no right to invade and wreak havoc. If those Russians in Ukraine aren't happy with living in Ukraine, then return to Russia. It is Russias fault that they chose to invade like Joe Stalin did after the end of WW2. Your support of Putin and his war is disgusting. -
Army Veteran
"If those Russians in Ukraine aren't happy with living in Ukraine, then return to Russia." - Such a profound statement! Let's see how it compares to the Socialists who aren't happy living in American society and want to change the laws and culture to that of the country they came from - why don't THEY just return as well? There's another reason for what's going on in Ukraine, BTW. But you don't seem interested in that. -
You dance around the issue of WAR and human suffering and injustice created by the Russians. You try to make political differences as an equal event to the destruction of a nation and a people by the Russian army. Your logic would make it just fine for Russian socialists to invade our shores with war because they are defending socialism. You position is ludicrous and so is your support of Putin and his atrocities. There is NO reason in this day and age for a foreign power to invade and try to take over another nation for their own benefit, none. So you are absolutely correct in that I'm not interested in putin's "reasons".
I feel bad for the people in Ukraine losing their lives little babies dying come on how can someone say Oh Poor Ukraine?
Army Veteran
Like WW1 when little babies' hands were being cut off by the (German) Huns, and Red Cross nurses were being murdered, right?
Not very. People are still traveling to and from Russia, etc. They aren't isolated the way that - for example - North Korea is isolated (imposed by their own government). Likewise: they aren't isolated the way that the USSR and China were during the Cold War. (Again: an isolation imposed by their own governments.)
The world is trying to isolate them with sanctions.
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