What's better to eat raw Vegetables or cooked Vegetables?
well washed of course ....both ways are good ..i just lightly steam them.,some i eat raw ...well cooked in stews too is good ..well none have hurt my health over the years
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Depends on how they're cooked. Steamed veggies typically retain all of the nutritional value of raw veggies. Steamed veggies are also safer with respect to certain diseases (such as E. coli, which has been a problem in the relatively recent past with things like spinach and romaine lettuce). *** With boiled veggies, you typically lose a significant portion of the nutritional value in the cooking water, which is (typically) discarded.
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Its a give and take. You can lose nutrients in cooking, but cooking also kills bacteria. I think carrots are the only vegetable whose nutrition is more available if it is cooked.
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