I think her parent or guardian should have a talk with her
I think her parent or guardian is probably why she is that way -
Yes I agree with you -
Army Veteran
By all means, let's condemn anyone who thinks for themself and makes their own decisions. We can't condone herd logic when it differs from what we believe, can we? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Or we can give them some advice from someone who has been to medical school, like you haven't.
So, are we supposed to sit here and judge people because they choose to exercise their freedom? Should we condemn anyone who doesn't agree with the "Fauci Protocol"?
Nope , I have to agree with you -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Fauci has been to medical school. Unlike you.
It's difficult to trust and accept the mandate when the President said in 2020 "Don't trust the vaccine" and then calls anti-vaxers "terrorists" and demands that people now be vaccinated. With this coming on the heels of his Afghanistan failure, it's transparently clear that he is using it as a distraction away from blaming him for surrendering to the Taliban.
Yeah I hear you on that one :) -
There's always a bloody distraction 1465, "Don't look here, look there."
Good for her! The vaccine is worthless and so is the mask. If the mask isn't N95 or a paint mask, it's just a psychological prop. there are so many breakthrough cases and news touting "booster shots", it's obvious the vaccine is weak and very temporary. I was so glad to see all the college students who filled up football stadiums last week, laughing, cheering and having a good time again. They deserve it. I'm so sick of the leftist fearmongering and LIES!!
Were sick of the Far-Right Mentally Ill -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Charin Cross, Kevin, 1465: The masks aren't useless. If you have covid and you cough, the mucous from that cough enters the atmosphere where it is picked up by everybody, including babies who don't have a fully developed immune system. Masking prevents that mucous from spreading. -
Army Veteran
The same COVID germs that you're afraid of spreading by not wearing masks are all over the items on grocery store shelves that people handle every day. You have no case. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 There is no mucous on canned food. -
Army Veteran
And you can be sure of -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I can see it.
she's a "Covidiot"
Thanks, for sharing your comment well done :)
She has very little chance at her age of becoming seriously ill. And, masks don't work. Period. I think she's quite brave.
Yes, don't know what to think
It's entirely up to her not to have the vaccine since the reality of her catching Covid and dying of it, has to be weighed up against the possible side effects of the vaccine, and at her age dying of it is very low. However, not wearing a mask is foolish since what she is saying is that she is condemning her family to catching Covid if she catches it. Surgeons work for long hours wearing masks to keep patients safe from bacteria and maintaining a sterile environment, saying they don't work is nonsense, if you cover your face during flu season and wash your hands you don't catch flu, this is proven by the low numbers of flu during the Covid pandemic. There's plenty of experiments, including home experiments showing how a mask protects others from catching infection. My dentist is wearing the full PPE, in order to protect me from her and vice versa, she is sweating her butt off in the summer, I don't think she'd do this if there was no common sense in it.
Thank you :) -
I hope you are well DWW, I enjoy your contributions to the site. -
Truth is, yes many politicians have shares in the vaccines, yes we don't know how effective the vaccines are, or what type of protection they offer in the long run, but Covid has affected both my friends and family in the UK, some have been very sick, other's have died, the children appear to suffer the least, but it is real. Everyone has a right to their own body and so choosing the vaccine, once fully informed; but masks they are just common sense, I'm asthmatic and I still wear a mask in public places were social distancing is compromised or where I'm indoors, and have done since March 2020. -
Thanks for your kindness @Creamcrackered
Well I've tried 7 ways to Sunday to try to figure out a way to get your antvaxers to take the vaccine. I've taken it. I can go wherever I want withouthaving to worry. They rest of you guys, Charin Cross, 1465 you need to put the cork back in the bottle. lol Just one question - who is paying you to post this crap?
Thanks for sharing :)
BTW does anybody know how to report these people (1465, Charin Cross, Cream Crackered, Franco, Kevin1960 et all) to the authorities for spreading false information about the vaccine?
Army Veteran
Picking on Conservatives again, I see - "exclude everyone who doesn't agree with me". Just because you've deluded yourself into accepting total government control doesn't mean everyone else has to. You can take your ball and go home if you like, but the rest of us aren't afraid to stay in the game. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
This disagreement is taking my freedom away from me. It is also endangering my small kids. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I think she should homeschool.
Thanks, for sharing your comment well done :)
I think she poses no threat if those around her have received 2 shots to be fully vaccinated. Unless the booster shot is needed to avoid all doubts. 😆
Army Veteran
Also, unless those who have been vaccinated get COVID anyway. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
My answer is more of sarcasm to prove that even 2 shots is not 100% effective. -
@Jenny Thank you my friend
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