Looks like they wasted their time on something that doesn't work, huh?
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everythings😏 not perfect.
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it takes 3 weeks for it to work they say ..but yesterday a 90 year old who was fully vaccinated and a 30 year old had one, both died of covid ,but it was said she was frail and 30 year old had health probs ...... so whats the point if it dont work for people like them
Thanks Pamela , Thanks for your comment :)
Excerpt from an article; "The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people fully vaccinated since January." That is a pretty small percentage compared to the unvaxed. This link is to the article I took it from.
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The vaccine is 95% not 100% effective against severe disease. This means that you are 95% safe from getting severe disease (ie. requiring hospitalization, admission to ICU, death, etc.) If everyone were vaccinated, the virus would have no where to go and possibly disappear. Take the damn vaccine!! It will save your life and other peoples lives. I'm a doctor.
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and they're insisting everybody get the vaccine. hmmm... naturally occurring flues don't behave this way.
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