As with Millennium, Vista, and Win8, its probably a good idea to look before you leap. MSlies. They've done it to us before.
Yes I do agree , thanks for your comment
Not getting Win 8, Win 10, Win 11 nor any other malware/spyware laden rendition M$ offers. I'll move on to Win 7 after XP Pro grinds on my last nerve, and from there it's MX Linux.
Yes I do agree, thanks for your comment
I'll probably wait quite awhile. I need an OS to be very stable before I switch. Used to be I wouldn't switch to an OS version until the FOLLOWING version was released (it takes AT LEAST A YEAR to work out major bugs), and I expect that I'll wait at least a year after it's release before adopting Win 11. PROBABLY I'll just wait until my next PC purchase.
Yes I do agree, thanks for your comment
i wont as long as my computer lasts
Yes I do agree, thanks for your comment
ps..but i have W10 ..i think W8 was better than W10 ..... and W7 was great and earlier ones as well
Yes I do agree, thanks for your comment
I don't have problems with Win 10, so I'll probably do Win 11 when it becomes available. I keep my system well maintained by running anti-malware programs and dumping cookies every day. I think the reason a lot of people's computers slow down is that they don't manually go in and delete unneeded tracking cookies on a daily basis. Running programs just won't do it - you have to go into "settings" and then "cookies" and go down the list, manually deleting those that don't require passwords. I might suggest recording all of your important passwords in a hidden file on your phone so that if you delete too much on your PC you can get back in.
Yes I do agree, thanks for your comment
Apparently, Windows 11 will support an AMD Ryzen 2300 or higher or an Intel 8th gen or higher. That counts out a lot of processors from earlier than about 2017, but the specs may change again as the release date gets closer.
Thank you for your opinion :)
what will 11 do that 10 doesn't? I lost a lot of TM games when I went to 10. That was hard pill to swallow and I'm still gagging on it.
Thank you for your opinion :)
I'm still in Windows 10 and I am waiting for the upgrade to 11.
Thanks for your comment and Merry Christmas :)
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