I'd rather not say, publicly, any real-life examples of people with unfortunate birth names, because most people can't help it, but I know also two women who married and hyphenated their names into something comical. For that, there is no excuse, so I will only mention the last names that were hyphenated, keeping in mind that both of these people I knew personally seemed pretty hip, so they likely knew what they were doing. If not, my apologies: Musser-Flucker and German-Shepherd. The first you might have to say out loud to see why it's notable, but you likely don't want to say it too loud in case someone nearby gets the wrong idea. The second should be obvious.
Thanks for your input well appreciated :)
I hate how the name Forest is often a referral to the name of the guy that headed up the KKK.
Thanks for your input well appreciated :)
I saw a better list than this one once, kept me laughing a long time but here's a start:
Thanks for your input well appreciated :)
Better one:
Thanks for your input well appreciated :)
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