I wouldn't know
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Its pretty clear to a lot of people including me trump is mad at anyone including Republicans who say Biden won the US presidency, electoral college.
Yes I see thanks for your comment -
Your most welcome Dances with Wolves. Its my pleasure. HNY -
Happy New Year Mugwort :) :)
He's always been mad at anyone who disagrees with him. Its natural. Everyone does it. But I don't think its news by any stretch of the imagination. The news part would be what they are doing to fix the system. Every vote should count whether it changes the outcome or not. Another time it could.
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Army Veteran
Every "legal" vote should count.
Why you think.He lost. Or so they say.😐
Yes I know well time will tell what goes on
Trump's behaviour is seldom acceptable. He makes vague threats, speaks in half-thoughts, sues everyone; and when he is sued himself, he lies to protect his own butt. If evidence proves him to be lying, he lies more to act as though evidence is made up by his enemies. He's a second rate hack at gaslighting the American people, yet it got him this far. Now that the Emperor has realized he's naked, he's looking for people to throw under the proverbial bus to try to save face.
Thanks, for your comment :) -
Charin Cross
Trump didn't lose. the election was stolen from him and the 75M Americans, including myself, who voted for him.
Its all about the attention. He's be better off just shutting up instead he keeps causing trouble for people. Read Commander in Cheat. It explains him to a 't'.
Thanks, for your comment :)
He doesn't need a reason. He's gone mentally, only the sickos like him.
Thanks for your input and well appreciated :) -
"only the sickos like him." Yep, there are a few here!!
They're not giving him the deference and worship he believes he deserves.
Thanks for your input and well appreciated :)
It is nothing new that the establishment Rinos have been out to screw over conservatives. John Boehner did a lousy job as speaker of the house and the establishment screwed over the base by replacing him with Paul Ryan who was nothing more than a carbon copy of Boehner. The fight within the Republican party is nothing new.
Yeah, thank you for your comment :)
Children will be mad at most things, don't let it get to you.
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They were not buying into his lies.
Thanks for sharing your comment :)
They threw him under the bus.
Yes I see
He knows the walls are closing in and the indictments are coming.
Yes I see
I think he is still a great buffoon. I have thought this ever since he had that awful tv show years ago. He hasn't ever done anything to change my mind.
Yes I see
DT's ego has been bruised.
Yes I see
I can't believe you people are still criticizing Trump considering the alternative loser you chose to take his place. Look at the way things are now compared to a year ago - are you really happy with everything? What has Biden done to "Build Back Better" as he promised? All he's done is dig this country deeper in debt with nothing to show for it but millions of dollars missing each time a new spending package is passed. How much does it take before you realize that they're skimming money for themselves? Name just one thing "Build Back Better" has done. Half of you can only repeat outdated and debunked claims against Trump because you're unable to think for yourselves - you were ready to impeach Trump on day 1 because that's what your Democrat leaders and Hollywood celebrities wanted. As for Trump being mad at the people listed here, I think you need to look up the term RINO and educate yourself on what happens when people stab other people in the back. You people amaze me.
Yes I see
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