Yes since President Trump became US President the economy is booming and way better than any US President
Linda Joy
But your question says Obama and your answer says Trump. Are you even sure who is in office? -
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"since President Trump became US President the economy is booming" --- Oh, get real. He made NO ADMIN POLICY that he can take credit for which points to that. In fact, most of the stock market gains under the Orange Pig are linked directly to expansionary policy from the Federal Reserve, which is independent of Trump -- and Trump has notably even taken steps to weaken the Fed’s independence. Expansionary policy aims to inject money into the economy, such as the way the Fed slashed interest rates and made it easier to borrow - which stimulates housing, construction, business growth, etc.
Now that Biden is President, the markets are hitting new highs.. Much higher than when President Trump was in office.
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Army Veteran
The markets are on the rise, that's for sure. But then when COVID destroys millions of jobs and the stock market tanks, there's nowhere for the stock market to go but "up". -
Poor leadership under the Fat Orange Pig is why COVID got hold here. He did nothing but stand in front of a microphone, babble mindlessly, ignore medicine and science and talk about injecting disinfectants. It's his own fault.
The economy was doing fine under Obama, well before Trump became president. We'd recovered nicely from the Great Recession that began in 2007, unemployment had dropped precipitously, the economy was humming. It continued to do well until the pandemic, when it hit the skids. However, fortunately, the economy is recovering again under Biden.
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Gas prices higher...I would say "imploding" might have a booming sound...
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Gas prices always go up after a presidential election. In every case. The incumbent president, regardless of party, holds fuel prices down by using our strategic oil reserves to give his own party an economic edge. Happens every time, regardless of party, we all know it, so grow up. -
Army Veteran
Funny how the Democratic Presidents have been so much against oil independence. Obama shut down the Keystone Pipeline in 2015 and Biden did it again on day 1. If not for Trump, the pipeline never would have opened back up and we would have never seen gas prices below $2 per gallon - and we won't see it again until either he gets re-elected or the election audits throw Biden out of office. -
OPENED BACK UP??? WTF are you talking about? Only 8% of PHASE IV of the Keystone Pipeline was ever completed! It has never even gotten CLOSE to completed construction. LMFAO!! The PERMITS were rejected by Obama in 2015. The Fat Orange Pig tried to revive the process to build it in 2017, then it was shut down by Biden. It had NO EFFECT on gas prices because Phase IV was never even CLOSE to being completed. The existing Keystone Pipeline built in three previous phases is still there! Stop embarrassing yourself "1465" - you may want to just delete your last comment to stop making yourself look like a complete conspiracy flop. -
"or the election audits throw Biden out of office." What a crazy, WhackJob comment... -
Army Veteran
Perhaps I should have said, "construction of the pipeline never would have opened back up". You have me at a loss on this one. My error gave you a momentary advantage. Gloat while you can.
Trump took over the Obama economy which had been booming. This is important because under Bush it was failing. The US has lost its A Plus credit rating in the World, and the Big Three Automakers were going down. Obama saved them. There was also the recession of 2008 that Obama saved us from after the gatekeepers of our economy wrecked it selling fake mortgages to poor people who couldn't handle them, and then forced them to ruin their credit by backing away from those mortgages. The difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy is that under Trump there was high inflation. Inflation was up about 3 hundred percent under Trump. Food was an issue and so were gas prices. Obama was better at managing the economy.
Army Veteran
Obama killed millions of jobs - and remember "Obamacare" where you were fined for not having insurance - even when you couldn't afford the premiums? That made as much sense as anything Biden has done - if you couldn't afford the insurance premiums, then you definitely can't afford the premiums after paying a fine. You talk about "saving us from the 2008 recession" - a "DEMOCRAT" recession under the Clinton administration. And 2008 was Obama's first year - he had 7 more years to tank the economy as he did. Remember his "It will take a magic wand to create jobs" prediction he made to Trump during the 2016 campaign? Remember the jobs that Trump created before being destroyed by the Democrat-triggered Coronavirus? Obama took credit for that. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Okay, lets take your points one by one. I have copied your arguments over here, and after the -* is my response: 1) Obama killed millions of jobs -* WRONG Remember the recession of 2008? That was Bush's doing. He had 13% approval rating, the RNC didn't even allow him to speak at the convention. That was the same year as the Subprime Mortgage crisis and Bush caused it because he wouldn't reign-in companies like Country-Wide that were selling fake mortgages. 2) and remember "Obamacare" where you were fined for not having insurance -* You, the taxpayer saved money under Obama care because people had their own insurance to pay for emergency care which wasn't present before it was enacted. It may have cost some people more but the overall benefit to the USA was BILLIONS of savings. 3) even when you couldn't afford the premiums? -* Well, not everything is perfect and yes some people were hurt but it was done in good faith and the SCOTUS has eliminated it anyway so stop talking about it its not relevant. 4) if you couldn't afford the insurance premiums, then you definitely can't afford the premiums after paying a fine. -* Right, so why not be smart and get some freaking insurance! LOL 5) You talk about "saving us from the 2008 recession," a "DEMOCRAT" recession under the Clinton administration. -* WRONG Clinton left us with a Budget Surplus which was the first one since 1968. The economy was great under Clinton. 6) And 2008 was Obama's first year - he had more years to tank the economy as he did. -* WRONG The Economy was GREAT under Obama, unlike Trump who gave us high inflation. 7) Remember his "Obama killed millions of jobs, and remember "Obamacare" where you were fined for not having insurance , even when you couldn't afford the premiums? -* Obamacare saved you the taxpayer millions of dollars in emergency room fees because people now had insurance. Yes some people were hurt, those who refused to get insurance but the overall effect was a spending reduction. 8.)You talk about "saving us from the 2008 recession. " a "DEMOCRAT" recession under the Clinton administration. And 2008 was Obama's first year, he had 7 more years to tank the economy as he did. -* Again, there was no recession under Clinton We had a Surplus. STOP LYING. 9) Remember his "It will take a magic wand to create jobs" prediction he made to Trump during the 2016 campaign? -* No I don't, he never said this. And Trump never ran against a "him." He ran against Hillary who you hated for being a "her." lol 10) Remember the jobs that Trump created before being destroyed by the Democrat-triggered Coronavirus? -* The Corona virus was caused by China, and Trump called it a hoax. We lost valuable time under him and he was against masking, which saved millions of lives. 11) Remember the jobs that Trump created before being destroyed by the Democrat triggered Coronavirus? Obama took credit for that. -* False, again Obama didn't take credit for Trump's jobs. Obama was there BEFORE TRUMP lol and both Clinton and Obama had GREAT economies. Also the Coronavirus started under Trump not Obama or Clinton lol you are FUNNY!!! LOL -
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Just to be clear on the recession -- it began in late 2007, well before Obama became president. It certainly was not of his making.
No need to guess or listen to bloviating idiots making up fake numbers.. The actual numbers are a matter of permanent record & all you have to do is look at the official recorded numbers.. This refers to a trump economy so heres the actual economy & unemployment record of every President from the 1929 stock market crash to 2019 just before the Pandemic threw everything into the toilet. Thats a full 90 year record of Unemployment-Gross Domestic product & Rate of inflation. Unfortunately for many political operatives all their shouting & screaming cant change the actual record. Just pick the 4 - 8 or12 years your favorite president served & see how the actual numbers compare to what the manipulated news trys to make you believe.
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Before covid, yes.
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@American Gangster. Its true we had 3% unemployment under Trump, the best ever, however its also true food, gas and rents exploded exponentially. -
Angster Gangster
The inflation rate is also right there on the same line as unemployment & Gross domestic product so there’s no room for opinions there either. You should also notice the Obama & Carter are the only recent presidents to have A MINUS sign on GDP which means the economy was actually going backwards During some years of their administrations.
Fat Orange Trump has become the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered. Economists have said that Trump’s economic legacy is defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies. His Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017 provided major tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals. The policy, among other things, reduced the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%, which is beyond ironic for a president who campaigned on being the champion of the working man or working person and campaigned on 'draining the swamp' in Washington. His policy absolutely increased inequality and the vast majority of the benefits of those tax cuts went to the already very wealthy. Even more irony: it came at a time when unemployment was relatively low and the economy in good shape, so there was no need for it from an economic point of view - it was nothing but Trump's gift to the already very wealthy. And every economist confirms that his moronic trade war with China -- the US lost that one, as all the trade deficits bear evidence to, and it cost a half-million US jobs.
Army Veteran
(If it weren't for half-truths, Leftists would have nothing to talk about). "Fat Orange Trump has become the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he entered." - You don't suppose it had anything to do with Democrat sabotage when they introduced the COVID virus so that they could shut down the economy, do you? [] "His Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017 provided major tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals." - Why not tell the whole story? It created millions of jobs. That's the way jobs are created, not by increasing taxes like mentally challenged Democrats are fond of doing. [] "...and campaigned on 'draining the swamp' in Washington." - Democrap scandal after scandal, promises of impeachment before he even takes office, and two actual impeachments (one as a civilian - even Ripley can't believe this one) - all desperate acts of desperation because Communist Obama was unable to hand over the reins so Hillary could continue to take America down. [] "Even more irony: it came at a time when unemployment was relatively low and the economy in good shape..." - REALLY? If employment was so low and the economy was in such great shape, why did Obama say, when Trump was talking about creating jobs, "What magic wand do you have?" [] "...moronic trade war with China -- the US lost that one...". Yeah, you're correct about this - but it wasn't Trump who lost it. It was the Democrats like Biden and his son Hunter who sold us out. China was never a threat under the Trump administration - now they're breathing down our necks and Biden is playing up to them. -
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@1465 - (in re:You don't suppose it had anything to do with Democrat sabotage when they introduced the COVID virus so that they could shut down the economy,) - if you believe the Democrats caused Covid 19 you belong in an asylum. Its impossible trying to argue with you because your opinions are based on your dreams. -Your nurse is calling, its time for your nappie.
Biden has taken the economy to new levels never had before.
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