Hard is relative. Different people struggle with different aspects of training I struggled with staying awake in class. And running. Some people were set back for various reasons or kicked out. Sylvia Cariaga used to stand in front of me when we were in alphabetical order. She got set back for academic reasons, but we went to the same apprenticeship training and the same ship. The CC's are not allowed to hit you as a form of discipline anymore, but they will punish you physically with exercise or restriction. One woman had to yell into a clean metal garbage can "Its not o.k. to say o.k. one ma'am...!" etc. If you're gonna cry if someone screams in your face then its probably not for you. Then again, it was a long time ago. I imagine a lot has changed. And maybe different branches have different practices in their boot camps. The tear gas was not at all pleasant! But the effects are temporary. The fires you have to learn how to put out are hot! That's one reason I passed when offered fire fighting school. I was trained on a damage control party on the ship, that was enough for me! Those are some powerful hoses!
Not if you take Tony Horton's P90X Boot Camp workout. 😉
Linda Joy
Yeah? Do they have a 'workout' for the academic tests? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Actually, Tony Horton has worked directly with members of the US military. If you purchase his DVD's, you will see how his workouts involve real boot camp training. -
Archie Bunker
Real exercises, maybe. But not real training. The physical part is not the most important part of training. The psychological stress is what pushes you though. The focus on teamwork, the harsh discipline and the the ability to function under stress is what makes the military work. IMO -
Linda Joy
Oh yeah! Getting cycled (as a team) because OTHERS quit was no fun either! Marching through the puddles in your brand new boots till your feet were bloody from blisters. -
Archie Bunker
Character building, Linda. Discipline. Overcoming obstacles. Sucking up the pain to continue with the mission. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. I actually had to have the corpsman cut my socks off my feet after completing the Crucible and was forced to wear tennis shoes for the next 3 days, which to me was humiliating at the time. It sucks. And it's supposed to. That's why one of our little mantras is "Embrace the Suck." -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Archie Bunker, quote: "The psychological stress is what pushes you though." Not precisely, mental and physical health are strongly related. Besides, Tony Horton is not an average fitness trainer "as you think." He has been keeping the US military fit:,%22P90x%22%20as%20a%20model. *Facepalm* -
Archie Bunker
Question, Jenny.... where did you go to boot camp? (this will allow me to answer your comment) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Archie Bunker, that's not for you to know. I'm just sharing an answer in this military boot camp question, so you cannot answer my comment, cause what there is to know who Tony Horton is. -
Archie Bunker
Ok, which means you didn't. While your last response makes no sense, I'll get back to my point. Physical stamina will only get you so far. Mental toughness will allow you to push through the pain, no matter how many pushups you can or can't do. It's not how many sit ups you can do that gets you through combat, it's the mental fortitude that tells you not to quit, no matter the pain. It doesn't matter if your the slowest runner or the fastest. It doesn't matter if you can bench press 200lbs or 500lbs. That only goes so far and is useful on occasion. Balls. Grit. Tenacity. Loyalty. That all means more than how long you can plank. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Ok, which means you didn't." Based on what facts do you assume??? Sorry Charlie, but anybody that has had military training is too clever to defend themselves both physically and mentally. Quote: "Mental toughness will allow you to push through the pain, no matter how many pushups you can or can't do." And what makes you think you can outdo Tony Horton to discredit his training upon the US military?????????????? Don't presume to know people. As you see, you can't stand your ground with me. *Double Facepalm*
It's not meant to be easy. If everyone could get in the Marines, we wouldn't be Marines.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Who said anything about the Marines? The Army infantry is by far larger than the Marine infantry. It takes an extra month to work with Marine recruits in special training, whereas the Army get their recruits up to passing standards and out the door. -
Archie Bunker
It doesn't matter if it's bigger, Jenny, as we're more selective. And it takes longer because we have higher standards than the Army. Our mentality is different. You join the Army, but you become a Marine. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I never said bigger is better. I said the Army does not need special training to recruit soldiers in comparison to the Marines. -
Archie Bunker
Marines do two things. Fight and make more Marines. The "special training" you seem stuck on is what we do. We're trained for combat. Everything else you do in the Corps is secondary to your primary mission, which is killing the bad guys. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am not doubting the Marines. I understand you want to make a comeback in these comments for implying that I think bigger is better. Special training simply means the Marines have targeted training they need to gain the knowledge and abilities to necessary fulfill their rigorous requirements, unlike the Army which is less of a challenge, meaning more people have the opportunity to be in the Army.
War is difficult.
Archie Bunker
"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it." - Gen Robert E Lee -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Archie Bunker, Robert E Lee's quotes are no better than Adolf Hitler's quotes. They both got crushed in war. "The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on." -Ulysses S. Grant
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