I think people have way too much time on their hands and have to find every little thing that they can to make a huge deal out of nothing. It's hard to believe some people actually take that seriously. None of those things were created maliciously, stupid snowflakes these days get offended by everything. With the way things are going these days, why can't we claim to be offended by those kind of people to make them go away?
Archie Bunker
Agreed. I cringe at the thought of what my grandkids will have to endure (my daughter is only 15). This new era of ultra-sensitivity will stiffel this nation. Sad. -
It certainly will. I'm 24 and have to grow up with this as well. It's bad enough now, I cannot imagine what future generations with have to endure. If there was a blatant issue with any of these things, it would have been brought up by now. These wusses need to quit looking so far into everything. -
Archie Bunker
How are they going to make it in the real world? The world where no one cares about your feelings. The world where the boss doesn't give a shit how you feel, only what you do. And I blame their parents also. They're setting these kids up to fail. In real life, not everyone gets a trophy.
I think imho what is truly offensive are people being murdered for their race or beliefs. re: recent church and synagogue murders.
Archie Bunker
People have been murdered for their race or beliefs since the beginning of time. What I find disturbing the acceptance of any violence because it's justified in the name of fighting the new -ism of the day. Shouting down or committing violence because you don't like what someone has to say, or what you're afraid they MIGHT say. -
Cry me a River
In the beginning of time there was no sin. God created life on earth perfect. The Bible does not say how long it was that way,, as everyone should know sin came into the world through Adam,s disobedience.. -
Archie Bunker
I'm not trying to discuss the religious implications of sin here, Koala. We're trying to discuss the ultra-sensitivity that many now have. The "you can be whatever you want" - "everyone gets a trophy" - generation. The "you have the right to not be offended" crowd. -
Cry me a River
Okie dokie!
Everything's offensive to a cultural marxist.
And let's not forget that racist white bastard Frosty. :P
Archie Bunker
Hanging around with those kids all day?? Pederast!!
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