Hence, your picture of the Garden of Eden. Yes, the apple pales in comparison.
Cry me a River
That’s an angel serpent and a good apple, hence the name. I wouldn’t purposely use a bad picture :) -
Cry me a River
I think God had holy angels to become serpents... hence, angel serpents. .not to be serpents forever. Look up serpents on bing images, they are too awesome to be bad.. -
Cry me a River
Well not now , now they are ugly -
From The Book of the Bee it was a fig not an apple. -
Cry me a River
God never told us, so I guess it’s not something we should know. Btw, God wrote us his Word, why confuse it with literature? -
Cry me a River
Not that his word can be confused... -
The Book of the Bee is scripture it just was not included in the codex of the Bible. There are over 75 known books of scripture that were considered for inclusion but not included. Another such book is the Book of Enoch widely read and highly considered for inclusion but rejected because it was too deep in understanding for the common man. If you have not read these two books I would highly recommend them. They are not just Literature. -
I have read the Bible and enough of the “Book of Enoch” to know that it does not belong in the Bible. Enoch shows that the were nephilim 300 cubits tall with evil spirits proceeding from their flesh. Enoch living 500 years. Angels making the Ark. If the nephilim were 300 cubits tall, covering the tallest of the mountains to 15 cubits (Gen7:20) would not have done the trick. The Bible shows that Enoch only lived to 365.(Gen 5:23) The Bible shows that Noah built the Ark. (Gen 6:13–14)
Why are those the only two choices?
Cry me a River
So no? You don’t like your choices, too bad :) -
Archie Bunker
Your faith tells you those are the only two choices. Mine might say differently. Who are you to say otherwise? -
Cry me a River
That’s between God and you.. or should I say, the Devil and you?
Jesus Christ always.
Who said those are MY choices?
Cry me a River
There’s room at the Cross for you!!
Which Christ though? The imaginary Western one, The Coptic one, the Gnostic one, the Eastern one, the Islamic one, the Mormon one, The Jewish one or the African one?
Cry me a River
The One who went to the Cross, then rose again!! -
Cry me a River
The One who died on the Cross for you!!
Sin is not a choice, Roman 5:12 lets us know that we are all born imperfect. We can choose to imitate Christ and resist the influence of Satan. Another way to imitate Christ is by worshipping the very person that he commanded us to in Matthew 22:37. By taking in knowledge and obeying both God and Jesus, we have an opportunity to experience perfection (John 17:3, Mat 6:10).
Cry me a River
Those verses make no claims to man just being imperfect, and how to be perfect. -
Cry me a River
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? -
Cry me a River
Your choices: sin or obedience -
Cry me a River
You are either a servant of sin (death) or a servant of obedience (righteousness) being a servant puts YOU at the core, not Satan. -
Cry me a River
What are you going to say at Judgment Day?Satan made me do it?? Wrong, it’s YOUR choice. -
Cry me a River
Your claims make you sound insincere.. -
Cry me a River, are you okay? Do you understand these verses? (Ecclesiastes 7:20) For there is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins. (Romans 3:23) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Psalm 51:5) Look! I was born guilty of error, And my mother conceived me in sin. -
Well, I choose to imitate Christ. In doing so, I will worship the God that he obeyed, served and worshipped according to Matthew 4:10. -
Well, I choose to imitate Christ. In doing so, I will worship the God that he obeyed, served and worshipped according to Matthew 4:10.
Christ for me, and it is an easy choice if you are born of God. 1 John 3:9 "No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God."
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