There's been so many... Trump has a history of this...and he even boasts about. Karma is going to whack him upside the head
Archie Bunker
And which one of the "so many" is credible? I can say I was the second gunman on the Grassy Knoll, that doesn't make it true. -
Linda Joy
But it was o.k. when Clinton did it? What about chappaquiddick? Yeah, yeah, we know he killed the poor girl, but lets put him back in office anyway! HYPOCRITES!!
Men have been doing this all throughout history and getting away with it, what makes Trump any different? I don't think he did it though. If he did he'd pay better to shut them up than the democrats do to get them to make this stuff up.
Archie Bunker
Did you listen to this girl, Linda? She seems like a total nutjob. She didn't want to report it because it wasn't a sexy rape? WTF? I was laughing because AC was trying to go to a commercial break with her and she wouldn't shut up. -
Linda Joy
No, I didn't. You didn't provide a link and I really don't care anyway. Its all just a distraction like almost everything else.
What she accuses is rape. The media seems to be deliberately obfuscating this story. Whatever all of that means, I have no idea.
Archie Bunker
I think she is obfuscating her own story. It's nonsensical.
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