Some lying Democrats.
I don't know who said that, but a lot of economists said it would increase inflation. Compared to last year, inflation is about 1.5%, which is pretty much average. We are under an inverted yield curve right now for bonds, which means that the US treasury is charging lenders. This is a bizarre situation that is usually horrible news for the economic growth of the next decade or so.
Every person that hates Trump.
Not all jobs are created equal. Many jobs lost with good pay and benefits and new jobs (sometimes the same ones without benefits or good pay. Statistics can be very misleading that way.
Linda Joy
$15/hr min. wage will do that, too! -
Archie Bunker
$15/hr will help a few people. For small businesses, it will mean lost jobs. -
Linda Joy
It has also caused some people to loose their food stamps! -
Archie Bunker
And the cost of goods and services go up when you externally increase the pay. Let the free market handle pay increases (which have actually been going up)
not sure who said it
If the trade war did anything to the economy, we should start feeling it in the next month or two, but the numbers won't start being published until well into Q4, so we'll know just barely in time for the election cycle to fire up. It could be a big win for Trump if all of the economists were wrong about inflation. Just hope no one is buying bonds right now! A $50 bond bought in March 2019 is worth $49 in March 2029. You're better off putting a $50 bill in the cookie jar than investing it at the moment. It's a very odd situation, truly.
Archie Bunker
Don't invest in bonds, stick with the stock market, which has 2019 as the highest in market history so far. -
Linda Joy
Yuup! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Whoah, like, you should never buy stocks high, man.
Update: "Approximately 75,000 jobs were created in May 2019, and the national unemployment rate remained at 3.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment increased in professional and business services and health care. Unemployment figures for June 2019 will be released on Friday, July 5, 2019.Jun 7, 2019"
Archie Bunker
Nice to see Obama taking credit for it. -
Linda Joy
Did he? Who cares? We know the truth! Trump's approval rating has slowly but steadily increased since he took office. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
True, but if you go by approval ratings, only Jimmy Carter had a lower approval rating at this point in his presidency (June 2019). Also, only Jimmy Carter had a disapproval rating similar to Trump's at this point of his presidency. Unemployment has been pretty steadily low since Trump was elected and the GDP is experiencing slow but steady growth. These are good indicators for the US economy, but they don't really seem to be affected by presidential policy, for better or for worse. Keep in mind that the president's role is to execute the law, to command the military, and to be the chief foreign diplomat. Agree or disagree with his opinions or how he behaves, none of these things have gone sideways, contrary to what his opponents had assured us. This trade war with China might be a bad idea, but honestly, it's nothing as bad as what other presidents have done.
Farmers are being put out of business you need more?
Archie Bunker
There are many reasons for farmers to go out of business. High overhead. Low dairy prices. High mortgage interest rates. High competition. -
Linda Joy
I heard rumors about that last year but haven't seen anything recent. What is your source? Even at that it was the small farmers that were suffering. Perhaps they are just having trouble competing with the larger farms. In any case, I don't see a lack of supply at my stores. Since unemployment is at a record low maybe the farmers are just finding other jobs more appealing. I'd certainly rather work in an air conditioned office than sweating my butt off in a field working for peanuts! And yes, even if it were true and current I would need a LOT more to negate a NATIONAL unemployment rate .2% LOWER than when this started. You, on the other hand, have given no proof of anything.
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