I hear the word every day and its petty.,
Every idiot that sings along to rap music uses it every 5 seconds. Most people don't care.
Nonsense to amplify the divide. A persons overall character cannot be defined by the folly of youth. We All need room to express ourselves without our faults being etched in history. A bigger problem in an ever increasing digitally recorded world used to freeze-frame on a blemish.
Linda Joy
Well said! -
Army Veteran
I agree.
i think people need to get over that, he was just a kid
Willful actions have consequences...sometimes, deleterious consequences that last years, or even a lifetime. I don't know this story, details could change my opinion (for example: was he 13, or 19?) but I'm not inclined to defend the culprit against those who object to his past behavior.
Pretty lame, IMHO. Just listen to rap or hiphop radio for a minute to see how common that dreaded word is actually used.
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