You might be hearing stuff, so maybe you should go see a psychiatrist. You might need to.
I agree, There is no such thing as telepathy or mind reading. Call a doctor. In the meantime, if you get another celebrity "call," hang up.
Maybe you're an X-Man. Badass.
I believe in esp... God had me reach someone for Christ that way. The lady was there but not there, if you know what I mean.. you may have heard of her, she was in the news.. they took her off her food source,, starved to death.. and died.
That's not telepathy, it is aliens controlling your mind but you can correct the situation. Just form a beanie hat out of tin foil and wear it (especially when you are outdoors). Aliens don't know about aluminum and it foils their attempt at controling your mind.
Archie Bunker
Stay by water. Water is their weakness. That's what M Night Shamalamdingdog says.
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