they beconne stronger if you lose a sense
Linda Joy
like how? Give examples. -
Pearl Lederman
their hearing nnight be better if they cant see
My brain has compensated for my eye sight so the weakness of one eye has caused the other to get stronger, Between my two eyes I have fairly good vision forming one eye. It is a wonder how the brain does these things. I can't see as well as I could but I can still see well enough to do most things including reading and driving. I do have problems with close up work.
Linda Joy
I was hoping you'd answer this one. Thank you!
They don't. In much the same way as losing an arm doesn't make your other limbs "stronger". You rely on the remaining limbs more, hence they will need to become a bit stronger to compensate. There is no magic here, it's Holywood that started that "blind people have stronger other senses" crap. There is no scientific basis for it - hence they are trying to restore people's sight if they can.
Linda Joy
Wrong again!
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