I like to use the treadmill while watching a video. Or whatever music is on the exercise video. What about you?
The Stones, Train, Maroon 5
I listen to Prince mostly when working out lately, however I've mixed it up with Death Angel, the Cure, and UFO sometimes as well.
i dont exercise
I prefer it quiet, so I don't listen to any music when I'm excercising!
I like to listen to real toe tappers. Bollywood, Shagy, MC Hammer Can't Touch This, Bruno Mars, some Michael Jackson, Santana, Line dancing, clog dancing, some of the songs a zomba instructor would have, not the crazy faster ones. I think having good videos would be a good thing. Someone to dance along with.
I listen to Baby K, Nightwish, Shakira and others on my cell phone's music playlist. I wear a phone arm holder with ear hook earphones when I am at the track.
Sefa - Dr Peacock -
I listen to punk rock music.
I watch the cable station "Music Choice" Various stations play oldies, contemporary hits, blues, country, Urban Ghetto, rap you name it. Right now listening to songs of the 90s.
i dont exercise
I do not listen to any of them. I prefer quiet, so I can concentrate better. Music is too distracting.
Pei Chia-Li
I agree with you! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
So strange
Anything upbeat. More aggressive stuff makes me work harder. I like Blotted Science, Henker, or Racer X, or local bands from around here, like Voices in Vain, Destructive Nature, or Don't Cross the Streams. Or I'll make playlists of songs starting out fast, then speeding up, and eventually cooling down. That way, I make sure to pace myself properly. If I forget my mp3 player and the radio is blasting Disturbed or whatever, that typically works, but there's nothing like doing cardio while listening to a band whose drummer thinks his left leg is an M134 minigun. LOL
Rock and rap
I prefer it quiet when I concentrate on physical or mental chores. I do not like much music. I like some classical music.
I listen to what is ever on Music Choice cable channel. This week its musica urbana.
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