Maybe the Mona Lisa lol. But I hate boats and am afraid of water so won't ever have one.
Same with me on both counts. lol -
Great minds :)
not sure but i dont have anywheres to keep a boat
The question was IF you had one - which means you pretend that you have a boat. It's a "for fun" question, and not one to take literally. Use your imagination for the answer.
The Murzy
I'd really have to go with "Slice of Life" - an homage to my favorite show of all time.
stay afloat .lol
Mary Een Life.
Pacific Ocean Prowler
Molly Brown as in the unsinkable molly brown.
Molly Brown
Linda Joy
D'oh! Gangsta already used my answer.
Rocinante (a la the Rush song "Cygnus X-1" and "Don Quixote").
I'd name it "Anonymous". Above the name, I would have "Lusitania" and "Titanic" and "SS Minnow" - all three crossed out.
Just Chillin'.
The Murzy
The Jolly Pride.
I would call the boat Journey.
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