i havent heard anything about it
As a die-hard Giants fan, I only check the scores on the news websites now. I won't even go to their websites. Not until the NFL grows a backbone and have the players stand for the anthem.
Linda Joy
I heard it on the radio. I don't support the NFL either since they disrespected the flag. -
Archie Bunker
Time to take up watching hockey. -
Linda Joy
I'll watch the alternative pro football leagues and if I get a chance I'll watch an Alabama game.
Nope I hate American soccer aka "American Foofball" altogether. It's barely a sport. a few padded guys bashing each other over a rugby ball. They should play rugby instead - but its a man's sport.
Archie Bunker
It used to be good. Now you gonna be nice when you tackle the other guy. They're turning into a bunch of wusses. People used to watch the games because of the violence. You get more violence now watching the Lingerie Football League. -
Linda Joy
Of course you do! Its American and you hate everything American because you are jealous of America.
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