depends on the person, everyone is different
When I was a Christian, I was considerably more judgemental than I am now as an atheist. I'm still a bit of an asshole, but at least now I'm honest about it, and not throwing stones from behind an altar.
If an ostensible Christian is supporting Roy Moore and Donald Trump, it's almost impossible not to judge him for his hypocrisy.
Linda Joy
I don't support those politicians any more than any other. I didn't vote for either. I believe in looking at both sides and being fair and equal instead of being party prejudiced. And many times I need more information I don't have. You're the one wrongly judging me. -
It would be more hypocritical to vote for Barack Obama who loves Muslims and probably is one.
When someone finds it important to let everyone else know that they are a Christian and they have to pray about things and continuously make "praise Jesus" type comments they are attempting to identify themselves as more righteous and trustworthy than other people. It is exceptionally despicable and repugnant when those people take advantage of the trust others might place in them because of their “righteousness” are caught in lies and immoral activities. When people place themselves in a position of having higher standards then, yes, they can and should be held to a higher standard.
Linda Joy
So basically you're judging anyone who loves the Lord and says so to be self righteous. And if someone is vocal about being an atheist and insults Christians what then? Are you saying they're not capable of morality and should get a pass on their bad behavior? I would hope you would have a higher opinion of atheists, I do! -
OC Joe
No, I absolutely feel the same way about atheists, "Are you saying they're not capable of morality and should get a pass on their bad behavior?"" NO, I have no idea where that is coming from and I have no opinion of Christians or atheists in terms of whether that status is positive or negative. -
Linda Joy
I'm sorry OC Joe! I became infected with the spirit of contention. I'll try to do better from now on. Please forgive me. -
OC Joe
That's alright. I love your phrase,"infected with the spirit of contention" and have been caught up in that spirit as well.
Holding to a standard they themselves cant achieve. Pearls before swine.
Linda Joy
Old question
Religious Christians do for sure but not true Christians.
Linda Joy
Wow! You're standing in judgment of all "Religious Christians" now and you know all of their hearts and NONE of them in your omnipotent judgment are "true Christians" ? So by your definition you MUST be a "religious Christian" ! I don't think so. You're just judgmental of all Christians that disagree with YOUR theology. -
Linda Joy
So this would be a yes to my question. -
Yes and no. A true Christian lives by the Law of Love where as a religious Christian does not even understand the Commandments of Jesus Christ. It is a matter of understanding rather than one of judgement. -
There are as many true Christians as there are true Scotsmen. The Bible is deliberately so overly-strict that no person can obey all of its commands. The purpose is to make everyone feel guilty and buy forgiveness by giving churches much money. It is a crude swindle that works on naive people. I am not that naive and gullible, so I have never been a Christian. -
Linda Joy
Buy forgiveness? What church does that? Where do you learn these lies? -
Every church does that. Religion is a con game.. The Bible says everyone is a sinner to make us all feel guilty for nothing except to buy forgiveness by tithing. Threats of Hell scare people into tithing. Guilt and fear are created by churches. Linda is na?ve about churches. She calls the sad truth "lies". This like poisoning people and selling antidote at high prices. -
Linda, Christian churches do that. All religions have a "Pay the Priest" component. Linda believes lies and hates truth.
they shouldnt be but some can be that way
Just look at these answers, and see how many are that way. Look particularly at the answer just below yours.
A true Christian will maintain Bible standards..putting him/her way above the general wicked population.
Linda Joy
A true Christian strives to keep the commandments of God, but we are not perfect. And trying to keep the Commandments doesn't make us any better than anyone else. We're still sinners in need of God's grace and the process of repentance! -
Hi Linda...True...but we have free will to choose good or bad...and Satan runs the present world...Rev. 12:12 We are imperfect, which makes being loyal to Jesus' standards all the more important...We are overcoming our imperfections...inherited from Adam and Eve...imperfections result in our eventual sin = death. -
It is highly judgmental to speak of being "above the general wicked population". You are the wicked one.
My guess is we are the most fun to be harassed.
Linda Joy
Lol! -
Rick Myres
Lol. My reason to say we are the most fun to be harassed is it is better to laugh than to cry about it. And it would be nice if the harassers could see me laugh about it too. -
You imagine that you are special, even in this absurd manner. I see Christians harassing people. Jenny_Rizzo has a vendetta against me and stalks me and trolls terribly. -
Linda Joy
We are all special in our own way. And YOU intentionally provoke people and deserve the retribution you receive. -
Having a different opinion provokes Linda-Jenny. The Bible tells you to make friends of yours enemies, not make them worse enemies. It tells you to turn the other cheek. There is also the Golden Rule. Linda-Jenny ignores all of that.
In Luke 6:37 Jesus tells us to “stop judging”, a Christian would uphold this advice.
Just look at the answers. Many Christians are hypocrites who ignore many Bible rules, including this one.
No Linda, you're far more judgemental as the rest of your acquaintances and friends!
Linda Joy
The question was about Christians. You don't know my friends and acquaintances! Lol But thank you for your insult!
Christians and Muslims are the worst people I have seen, I see some of them being judgmental and acting superior to everyone else in answers to this question. Buddhists are quite tolerant, so they have the best relationships with people who have other beliefs. You cannot say I think Muslims are any better than Christians. In my homeland, Japan, 99.54% of the people are not Christians, and Muslims are banned, as is wise when we observe how they behave in Europe. Most of us hate Christianity and Islam. Most Japanese and Chinese love to practice several religions, but Christianity and Islam forbid that. These beliefs also teach that the body and its functions are evil, and that is despicable.
Linda Joy
You're misinformed. You have also posted the most judgemental statements in this thread! So I guess in your own way you've proved it's the Japanese or rather Mircat pretending to be Japanese that are the most judgmental. -
Rick Myres
I agree with you Linda. And do not imagine I am special to God. Because God called me out of my sinning against Him. -
Jenny pretending to be Linda is judgmental and denies it. I am quite well-informed, but you hate truths. You just help prove my point here. Anyone who agrees with Linda-Jenny is exceedingly naive or simply another account of hers. .
Kidding? God will judge everyone eventually. Progressive liberal democraps think they're God!
I hold all people of faith in judgement when their kindness and compassion only apply to those that look and think like them. If you turn away a person in need and justify it with your faith, then be judged. What little I know of the bible, this passage is a part of me: Matthew 25:45 [The king will say to them, "Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me."] If your faith seems to give you the insight to judge another, this is not faith, it is egoistic hubris. Whether Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew or Muslim etc. the golden rule is the thread that connects us.
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