"Boat people " hoping for a better life & paying crooks to seal them into sea containers and loading them onto the big container ships headed for North American ports.
Sad, but true...Thanks. -
the ones that invade my country do get a better life. Lying p[oliticans love them for some pathetic reason
a bunch of foolish people
Pirates of the Caribbean
Captain Hook died of jock itch...Old joke, I know....Thanks, Linda : )
I never understood what that meant until this week. People who were thought of as being mentally ill were put on a ship and sent to another location by force. They were just dropped off and that was it. Brutal treatment for sure.
Wow!...I didn't know that. Brutal indeed...Thanks for the info.
The Doors' song.
Obviously the Titanic :)
The time I spent on The USS SIMON LAKE.
Davy Jones - the Flying Dutchman.
I loved the beginning. However its too much about Simone Signoret's role and too little about anything else.
The Jolly Roger.
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