A cross between Jocelyn Wildenstein and Kevin Spacey.
Ice man
That's one ugly cross ! -
we are dough 68
I'd still do it. With the lights on. -
Linda Joy
You'd at least close your eyes though, right? -
we are dough 68
What, and miss seeing their "come-face" ?
All of us are at times haters and lovers, so they look like you and me. The word "smug" comes to mind on the face of the young girl from your link.
the way someone would look when they hate someone, they would look mean
They come in all shapes and sizes. Some run around wearing sandals on their feet, towels on their heads and shooting off RPG's. While some others wear cones on their heads and burn crosses, in between lynchings and demonstrations. Here see for yourself ...
we are dough 68
If I run in my sandals, something bad will happen. -
Ice man
Well there are a couple of possibilities ..first your RPG might go off and second .. if you trip you might poke your eye out with those scissors. -
we are dough 68
Sounds like my usual Friday night out, then. -
Ice man
The fools let you out on Friday night ? -
Linda Joy
Nah, I'm sure my pic is cuter than yours. -
Linda Joy
Shhh ice man they don't really let him out. Its an illusion like Professor Moriarty thinking he escaped the Enterprise.
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