change shoes
Wash all the blood off.
Put on the comfy house slippers and relax...
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I like strippers too.
go to the bathrm
we are dough 68
Number one or number two ? -
Turn on tap water to make coffee.
change shoes
Set keys, wallet, and cigarettes on the table.
Walk into my house and turn radio, computer, or TV or all three. Since I am alone those will not start an argument. 6:35PM and I am still wide awake.
Watching TV
Usually I change into lounge clothing.
Shower, change clothes.
Take off my shoes then everything else I have on. I enjoy the comfort and freedom of being nude.
check nny nnail
Hug my dog
Take my shoes off, then wash my hands
I remove my shoes and put on my slippers
take some tight female clothes off to be comfy lol
I open the house door with my key
Linda Joy
that's a good start! -
Shadow Of The Mind
That's the first thing I do when I get home
Right now I'm working from home, so basically I'm going out to take walks for exercise and run errands. In the past, though, I'd get home at about 5:30 or 6:00, and first I'd turn on the news, so I could listen to it while changing into more comfortable clothes, pouring a glass of wine, and making a start on dinner.
Shoes off, kettle on.
take off my bra!
I'm pretty much only going out for groceries now (thanks to Commissar Newsom and his commie posse), so unloading the shopping cart.
Check the mail. Then: walk through the door.
Turn on the lights and take off the alarm.
Unlock the door.
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