Grocery shopping is fine. Will buy Dole lettuce iceberg and pears.
Every Sunday morning, at 09:30, I do my weekly shop. It gives me a reason to get out of bed. The store has been closed all night, the shelves are fully stocked, no-one can pay till 10:00, so the aisles are empty and I love browsing and checking out the offers. I always buy pretty much the same stuff each week. Milk, bananas, ham, salad, headache tablets, baby wipes, cereal, juice, bleach, sauce, bread and chocolate.
Linda Joy
I'm surprised the store is open before they let you pay. Aldi is the only grocery store I know in the area that closes. What kind of sauce? -
Ice man
@ Linda - Don't forget he's in England and things are not quite the same as you might expect in the US. -
Linda Joy
Yeah, I know! -
Lilo Avli
It takes my old bones 30 minutes to walk around the store. Due to archaic trading laws, stores of a certain size cannot legally accept money until 10:00 and must close at 16:00. Part of the religious "keep Sunday special" mentality. Tomato, brown, salad cream, mayo and chutney sauces.
Necessary evil. I'll put it off for just as long as I have to. I dislike when people abandon their cart in the center of the isle, blocking passage. Same thing when two women stop to chat for ten minutes. The clerks rearrange the store so nothing is where it was the last time I was there, so I waste more time looking for stuff, and good luck finding a clerk who knows where anything is. People not paying attention to where they are going .. and running into me. Patiently waiting in line behind 5 or 6 others at the cashier checkout, while some old bat thinks running her cart into the back of my ankles will speed up the cashier. And then the highlight of it all ... getting back to my car and finding new dents and scratches from the 2 or 3 abandoned carts that rolled into it.
Linda Joy
have you ever thought of having your groceries delivered? -
Ice man
There is no such service here, where I live. -
Linda Joy
Oh! Okay. Y'all just keep bashing America while I sit here and have my groceries delivered. I love America! -
Ice man
You'll not find home delivery anywhere in a rural setting. So what has grocery delivery got to do with bashing America ? -
Moving Violation
Excellent I am with you 100% Ice Man March 15 2022
I hate it and if I didn't need to eat (enjoy it immensely, actually 😆), I wouldn't do it. I used to spend around $75 for a month - now it's close to $200 - thank you, Pinnochio Joe.
Moving Violation
Excellent 1465~FJB~I cannot say it because I just got out of jail on here by the "GOOMBAS" that run this site! March 15 2022
It's alright. I DO hate waiting in line at checkout, but I usually avoid that by arriving early.
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