Having that....and a cold, frothy one to hand.
The first motorcycle ride of the year ... I can't wait.
Beaker Five-O
Sounds amazing !! Where do you go to ? How far ? -
Ice man
I ride all over, around here there is no shortage of countryside and twisty mountain roads for me to play on. I usually ride all day. -
Lilo Avli
Or until it gets sore and drops off. -
Ice man
Drops off what ? -
Lilo Avli
Your tanned, athletic body. -
Ice man
But I'm not tanned yet, Spring was here, but we got 5 inches of snow last night... so no motorcycle for a while yet... : / -
Lilo Avli
Lucky you, getting five inches ! Gives you extra time for beer, crumpets and Stormy videos, then. -
Ice man
I can think of no better way to pass the time. Well .. other than pissing on a certain Snarkat... -
Beaker Five-O
That is not very gentlemanly !! Go sit on the naughty step !!
YES! What's better than that is the first bundle-up-umbrella day knowing the start of winter is coming. With great big dark, heavy clouds full of rain, some wind, lightening and thunder and you feel the power of nature and the promise of fog after a storm! Yep rain-lightening-thunder the trifecta of fall; I love those days!
Beaker Five-O
No, no, no !! -
Yes! Yes! YES!!!
Sunniest day I hope for. Will go to harbor front. They have bicycle paths swans to see and things to do.
Beaker Five-O
Do you feed the swans ?
probably not
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