A self hating Italian would be closer to what you are. If you don't love everything Italian, then you're not really an Italian.
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Clearly you belong to the leftist liberal democrap group who created the KKK! Have a lovely day! -
OC Joe
Sorry Sam, your third grade understanding of history fails to understand that the KKK as well as ALL extreme racists of the south switched parties around 1964 when the Democrates came out in favor of the Civil Rights Act. All those people as well as general sympathies in that regard are now Republican. -
OC Joe
Sorry Sam, your third grade understanding of history fails to understand that the KKK as well as ALL extreme racists of the south switched parties around 1964 when the Democrates came out in favor of the Civil Rights Act. All those people as well as general sympathies in that regard are now Republican. -
OC Joe
Sorry Sam, your third grade understanding of history fails to understand that the KKK as well as ALL extreme racists of the south switched parties around 1964 when the Democrates came out in favor of the Civil Rights Act. All those people as well as general sympathies in that regard are now Republican. -
OC Joe
Sorry Sam, your third grade understanding of history fails to understand that the KKK as well as ALL extreme racists of the south switched parties around 1964 when the Democrates came out in favor of the Civil Rights Act. All those people as well as general sympathies in that regard are now Republican. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Hmm! How come KKK were democraps?
i would hope not
Of course you would be. And you're discriminating against ugly people. And women. And florists. And people who live in Napa Valley. And Pizza Hut workers. You prick.
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
You seem like a great Joker, you belong in my pack of cards LOL -
Hardcore Conservative
I don't gamble, unless I'm betting on myself. - James Bond
i would hope not
I see a tendency to overgeneralize. Or unless you think only a certain percentage of liberals are democraps. Not every liberal democrats think the same.way. Everyone including liberal democraps are individuals.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. -
The evidence refutes your assertions.
I don't want to answer that because I'm afraid my account will be shut down.
Ciao, it sounds like you are not proud of your culture. Italian cuisine has actually "influenced" food culture around the world. Ask yourself this, what Italian does not care for pizzas? That's like saying Americans don't care for hamburgers, Mexicans don't care for tacos, and Chinese don't care for rice.
Hey! I like burgers, pizza, tacos and rice! I also like kebabs, falafel, blintzes and gyros. My heritage may be mixed, but not THAT far... -
And? You can like all the foods from EVERY country you can think of. Many people do, but it doesn't change who they are. The importance in this question is what country do you come from to define the world of cultured foods.
If you want to go by heritage, and not place of birth -- unless your family has been here since the last ice age, everyone is from somewhere else. At some point, heritage is not more relevant than citizenship. As to the rest of us, where do you draw the line between immigrant and natural born? 1950? 1650? 10,050BC?
Probably no more a racist than in the eyes of many Trumpanzees.
It's liberals who constantly cry, "Racism". Obama is the Chimpanzee. -
Sandra Ursula
It's no Trump supporters who constantly whine, "Racism" for no valid reason. It's liberal Democrats who do that.
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