Absolutely. The highest in the industrialized world.
Linda Joy
I think a lot of taxpayers want to throw them under the bus just so they don't have to pay as much, but I don't think they take into account it's one of the reasons jobs are being outsourced. -
Hardcore Conservative
Absolutely. People are always complaining about how the evil corporations are making too much money but the complain about it on Twitter on their iPhones. That means it's only SOME corporations that are evil. If you want good paying job, the guy employing you has to see a benefit to it as well. -
Linda Joy
Exactly! They need to cut wasteful spending! Like the government paying hush money! -
Hardcore Conservative
Yup. There's a lot of things they need to do. I think the term wasteful spending needs broadened to include a lot of the entitlement programs that the government is paying for, also. -
Linda Joy
I'm torn on that one. I know a lot of mentally ill, old, disabled and children would suffer if programs were cut. But I don't think the government should be funding half the citizens, either. I think neighbors should be helping neighbors and churches should help the needy. But the able of mind and body should work. Even the mentally ill, disabled, and old who can should be found jobs they can do and be equipped and trained to do them. -
Hardcore Conservative
I'm not talking about those not able to work. I'm talking about those not WILLING to work. There is no incentive. Why work when the government will write me a check and pay my utilities and get me groceries? Hell, they don't even have to attempt to find employment anymore. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Not true. US corporate taxes are below the global average (source: -
Thanks for posting that bostjan. Looks like we have the typical Right-wing LIARS here today.
Nope. Before the Fat Orange Pig, US Corporate tax was below the global average. Then, in comes the Obese White Supremacist, and his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017 provided major tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals. The policy, among other things, reduced the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%. The policy was beyond ironic for a president who campaigned in 2016 on being the champion of the working man or working person and campaigned on draining the swamp in Washington. Another TRUMP promise thrown in the trash, along with MEXICO WILL BUILD OUR WALL. The Pig's tax policy absolutely increased inequality and the vast majority of the benefits of those tax cuts went to the already very wealthy. -
Looks like we have the typical libturd-leftard LIARS here today --- ---- ---- --- Unfortunately, I know how to fact-check, and we all know facts are to a leftist, what a stake and garlic is to a vampire.
(By the way, with all the loopholes they don't) No If a corporation benefits greatly from infrastructure that allows commerce to flow, or the resources extracted therein, then to have money return to the economy is a win-win. We have now the ultra-rich pulling their influence for their own interest at the cost of quality of life for others. The little guy doesn't have equal representation in our system because of the pull of revenue rich lobbyists.
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
How about the swamp dwellers? Do the allow themselves to rob everyone? Real 'Bandidos' -
Hardcore Conservative
The beauty of our system, Roaring, is that the little guy can vote and put different people into office to represent them. Something they never seem to do. -
Linda Joy
If we tax corporations too heavily they will go elsewhere. I have nothing against 3rd world countries getting jobs to help their economies. But isn't it kinda dumb to make corporate taxes so high (as Conservative said the highest in the world!!) we drive off large employers? Our system is good. The corrupt politicians are what's wrong with it. That and apathy on the part of the voters. Also the Corporations do give back in the form of jobs and product. -
If the Govt gives Corporations huge tax breaks like the 1.5 trillion what do they do? Look at what GM is doing: Closing plants wile enriching themselves and shareholders by buying back their own stock. They are already going elsewhere where they can exploit workers that have no protections from slave pay. -
Archie Bunker
And what about the smaller corporations like mine? Large ones like GM can afford the plethora of CPAs that I can't. And most Americans are employed by small businesses. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@Archie Bunker. The Little Guy's vote doesn't count in certain states because they're being gerrymandered. That means that districts are deliberately designed to be Red or Blue, usually with the result of the State being Red or Blue. That's why you never see pollution controls in Lousiana, etc. Lousiana is a Red State but polution control is a Blue Issue so that will never happen in Lousiana, or any other Red State. Stop watching Fox. It was designed by Roger Ailes to be a conservative news media outlet. Its biased.
No; they don't pay enough. Some pay ZERO.
Linda Joy
Which ones? -
Franco333 -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@Roaring - That's what Trickle Down Economics says. However its wrong. The rich invest in things like Inflation Hedges and stuff abroad. They don't reinvest their money here. If they did we'd have high speed rail by now. lol
Since most like Besos or Romney or Zucky Zoidberg or Soros don't pay ANY tax, obviously they pay too much tax. Corporate welfare today!
After seeing how corporate owners, like Don The Pig Trump, pays $750 per year in taxes, I think corporations pay VERY LITTLE TAX here. Especially the uber-wealthy ones. By the way, the tax rate for corporations in the US is well below the average for other first- and second-world countries.
No, they're below average globally. The US isn't even in the top 20. US corporate tax rates have gone down steadily in the past 60 years, and economic health and infrastructure in the US have slid down right alongside. A major portion of taxes paid by regular people goes to corporate subsidies, far more than the amount that goes to social services. Anyone who thinks their taxes are too high needs to demand that federal subsidies for large corporations be cut.
When is a tax not a tax? When it's a write-off. Corporations pay very little taxes when you take into account the number of write-offs they do. And of the taxes they do pay, this cost is passed on to the consumer - this is the reason the costs are always rising. Instead of taxing businesses, the government should be allowing this money to be used to create jobs. Jobs, in the long run, will produce more taxes than corporate taxes currently do.[] @ Hardcore Conservative: the way to solve this problem is to take away the stimulus money to individuals so that they have to go to work. This, of course, doesn't include those who are unable to work - only an idiot would think this.
too little taxes and some pay no tax at all
it was 35% under Obama which created mega outsourcing. when Trump lowered it to 20%, many companies came back to the US. to manufacture. how would you like it if you busted your a$$ to make a profit and the gov't came in and scooped up 35% of your profit? while it's done nothing to improve the infrastructure to help you get your products where they need to go more efficiently. Democrats are woefully ignorant of business, manufacturing and trade. they hate capitalism and excellence, both of which Trump embraced and encouraged.
I'm pretty sure I read statistics showing that more companies left the US under Trump than came back. Democrats are not woefully ignorant of business. That's just a lie told by those who want you to believe every lie they tell to promote their own views.
"Even with Biden's tax hikes, US corporations would be paying less than their foreign competitors." The US tax code contains numerous breaks and deductions, lowering the effective tax rate for businesses. US companies have it good here and they need to stop whining.
I don't think that. Most US corporations pay NOTHING in taxes.
I don't think that. Most US corporations pay NOTHING in taxes.
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