I always have God with me, but physically I'm usually alone 24 hours a day unless someone comes over. Which happens at least once a week, sometimes several will come in the same week.
2 hours in the morning and three hours or more before sleep.
It varies from about 11 hours to two or three days. When I am not at work or have a holiday.
too many since im out of work and live alone
0. I have 3 cats.
Before I wasn't but now a lot of hours. I try and keep busy.
well in spirit im never alone i always have passed loved ones, god, and myself .physically im alone about 6 hours day but im 17 in highschool
Linda Joy
Good to see you! I've missed you! -
Linda Joy
You're going to have to speak up I can't hear you.
24, if I want to. Since covid I socialize more online than I did before. And I do more telehealth visits and a zoom visit or two rather than in person.
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